I often wonder how to integrate into my living the vastness of eternity and God-is-Love with the concept of NOW, this minute here right in front of me. More importantly, how do I feel the vastness without immediately slipping into feeling overwhelmed? My Holy Friend is who I turn to in all things, especially the ones that make you want to shout “WTF???!!!” at the top of your lungs.
Me: So how do I claim the vastness without experiencing overwhelm? How do I feel All-That-Is without screaming “TOO MUCH!!!”?
HS: Precious One,
You but need to see the vastness in the moment at hand. See and feel the moment in its entirety. Feel the resonance with truth, the completeness, the beauty. Enjoy this newly minted creation made for you, by you, and through you.
This living that is infused with loving awareness is like no other. Here you drink in the golden elixir of Now with simple gratitude, needing nothing else.

This living that is infused with loving awareness is like no other.
Let the flurry of activity be seen as snow flurries, no two alike. Let the intricate pattern and beauty of the activities bring you to experience the glory and wonder of joy. See the beauty and innocence of creation before you. Let your questions of Why? How? and What is this for? be stilled by your whole acceptance of “Here I am too.” Give yourself a moment of appreciation, even in the hard flurry of white out. Let this capacity for creation amaze and buoy you. See, my dear, that we have created this together.
As you accept and allow, you are able to create differently. Imagine creating both the perfect snowflake, enjoying and appreciating its beauty AND creating the warm fire in which the snow flake melts back into its original form.
Activity is gorgeously created, enjoyed, accepted, appreciated then it simply melts away. Every moment truly is sufficient unto itself.
I am always delighted in true creation. Know when you feel the overwhelm of too much you have likely forgotten that NOW is, indeed, all you need. Not the weekend or the January nap to look forward to but right now. For right now the glory of God is being revealed. In you. In your brother. In your sister.