5. Day 26: Marvel, Mystery & Miracle
A funny thing happened on the way to extending love to the fear of EVERY DAY…..I have begun to accept the idea of EVERY DAY as just what is. EVERY DAY is not special, separate, set aside or hallowed apart because it is happening all the time. I have talked to many people about this every day quality of life that we shy from or are even afraid of. Here are some of the reasons I have noticed we all tend to agree as to why every-day-ness might get to us: 1. boredom 2. tired 3. too busy 4. the feeling someone is “making” me do this 5. there are other things I want to think...
Read More5. Day 25: Tiredness Is A Tunnel To The Truth
I am continuing my conversation with Holy Spirit about rest and tiredness (an EVERY DAY companion I am beginning to no longer need?)………………….. Me: How do I keep “going off the rails” so to speak in my awareness and shift to only being aware of tiredness, or pain or doubt? HS: Sweet Angel, this is simply your way of deepening your awareness and appreciation for your awareness of your heart’s truth. You need not chastise yourself for being tired, tiredness is designed to remind you rest is always available. Tiredness but points...
Read More5. Day 24: Permission To Rest
This morning I asked Holy Spirit what I needed right now. I surprised myself with needing *permission* to rest! HS: Dearest One, Resting is simply a way of living; not a place or space of doing nothing. It can be doing nothing but resting is an active form of ongoing trust. Rest is a resting-in-the-wholeness-of-your-being. Fear not your view of rest as something beyond or outside or after doing. Rest is peace. Rest is residing and abiding in peace. Rest is taking notice of this natural abiding. Rest is letting go of all you think you must have/be in order to rest. Nothing has to...
Read More5. Day 23: Love Is God DNA
Today I want to pause and remember why I started this blog and project of extending love to my epic fears. I had come to the end of a phase of spiritual study and teaching with some dearly beloved friends and was honestly worried I would *lose* my awareness and trust and USE of this powerful Voice of Love that flows through me (that flows through all of us). I had established a strong and deep practice of daily meditation and writing and a seemingly constant practice of extending love to my thoughts. But now I was going to do this *alone*. Even five months into this project it is plainly...
Read More5. Day 22: EVERY DAY Is An Attitude
Here are a few things I am noticing as I continue to walk EVERY DAY: 1) I am still doing it 2) I actually enjoy it 3) It is always hardest to get to the end of my street 4) It gets easier at about the two mile mark 5) It was worth going slow and short distances in the beginning 6) I can walk in any mood (happy, sad, cross, tired) 7) I can walk alone or with someone (I like both) 8) My name remains the same no matter how or if I walk 9) When I pass my original distance of the first days I know I would feel cheated now if I turned home at that point 10) It doesn’t matter what I...
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