7. Day 20: A Squirrel Peed On My Head
I was reading an old journal recently and came across this quote I had noted from my then newly hired Life Coach: “Honesty is transformative.” I remember thinking at the time that it bloody well would need to be magic to be worth the risk. I was in that phase of life that I now come to think of Boot Camp. You are just slogging through with one thing after another piled on your plate to the point that even a platter isn’t enough and you are dragging around a little red wagon with the mish-mash of your days spilling out all over the place. This was a time of huge...
Read More6. Day 16: Can Joy Be My Guide?
The practice of noticing what I feel like in my body is quite interesting. I am beginning to see my body is shimmering with life and that noticing it actually shifts the energy somehow. The more I do this the more I feel like I am feeling into the feeling of joy. What does joy feel like? It feels just like this time of quiet to me. HS: Time to feel, notice, receive all the blessings that abound. No judgment, just acceptance, welcome, trust. Real delight is knowing THERE IS NOTHING WRONG. Ever. Spaciousness; feeling this in everything. There is room enough for all feelings, thoughts,...
Read More6. Day 4: Look Out London, Here She Comes !!!
Our daughter is studying abroad for her fall term and leaves for the UK today. She will be in Bath but will stay in London a few days to acclimatize, then spend some lovely days with good friends in Norfolk and Sheffield (A BIG thank you to Dan and Louise!!). This study abroad has led rather neatly to the obvious next step. I must go to London. Or rather WE must go to London. My tiredness however is no longer my own, it has spilled over into my household and after finding ourselves utterly and completely spent after months and years of non stop living, my husband and I both have decided...
Read More4. Day 31: This Post Rated XXX
I think the biggest lesson I have experienced in extending love to letting go is seeing that I truly have everything I need in every moment. Not as in a platitude but in reality. I have everything I need because my heart is everything I need. In my heart are desires, guidance, delights and I need but follow them and I end up experiencing peace in the midst of whatever is going on. This past weekend we packed and were ready to drive to Los Angeles on business. We went out to the garage to get out my husband’s car and this is what we found: Whoa!! This rather makes it impossible to...
Read More4. Day 16: Your Joint Purpose Will Be Served
We celebrate another momentous occasion this day. My daughter’s beloved is being commissioned as a 2nd LT in the Air Force. We are so proud of this accomplishment. A self determination to serve this country vowed silently to his young self on that September 11th; such a beautiful following of his inner guidance. Letting go today of the undergrad years, the doubts, the worries of getting a slot for field training. Today we also need to complete my daughter’s move and get to the Capitol in time to witness the miracle of service in the commissioning of these young men and...
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