5. Day 29: Do You Have EVERY DAY Awareness?
One thing I have noticed in my extending love to my old fear of EVERY DAY is that I have strengthened my awareness of my awareness. I know that sounds like double talk but I believe I actually am and have Awareness all the time. It might even be what I call Holy Spirit or at least it is how I connect to Holy Spirit (or Consciousness or the Universe or Divine MInd). In strengthening my awareness of the Awareness I am becoming attuned to my walk of holiness that unfolds EVERY DAY. I sense the ever presence of that undefined something that always IS, no matter what I think, say or do. You...
Read More4. Day 31: This Post Rated XXX
I think the biggest lesson I have experienced in extending love to letting go is seeing that I truly have everything I need in every moment. Not as in a platitude but in reality. I have everything I need because my heart is everything I need. In my heart are desires, guidance, delights and I need but follow them and I end up experiencing peace in the midst of whatever is going on. This past weekend we packed and were ready to drive to Los Angeles on business. We went out to the garage to get out my husband’s car and this is what we found: Whoa!! This rather makes it impossible to...
Read More4. Day 30: Letting Go Of Today
As my month of extending love to the fear of letting go wraps up I stand in gratitude for all I have come to see. A mere four weeks ago (!) I held tightly to all I loved (and even to anything I didn’t love, now that I think about it) and could see no other way of being. The month my Holy Friend chose for me to remind myself of the Love that I am in the form of a month of extending love to the fear of Letting Go. My practice extending love to letting go this month has released something new, yet ancient in me. I don’t need to “hold on tight” to anything, not even...
Read More3. Day 30: Veil Sale
Today is the last day of extending love to guilt for this month three of my Twelvemonth of Self Love project. What is exceedingly obvious now is that guilt is not the truth about me. It is but a story of “not-me” I believe for a while until I return to my right mind, or sanity or the awareness of God-is-Love’s Presence. I have learned I can drop the veil of guilt at any time and experience the truth of me in that moment by extending love to my thoughts and feelings even with, perhaps especially with, guilt. I can do this in bed, at the airport, washing dishes, taking a...
Read More2. Day 31: A Cabin At The Lake
This month of extending love to depression has been somehow like coming home. Coming home to a house you visited when you were very young but had not been to in many years. Everything looks smaller, less daunting, possibly shabbier even while exuding the feeling of the comfort and safety of home. Allowing myself the gift of spending time with the thought-cluster of depression has been like coming upon a favored cabin at Donner Lake that has been shut up for years. It’s dusty and stale and all the outdoor furniture is stacked in the living room. The water has been turned off and...
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