10. Day 31: A Beautiful Fear
The biggest shift I have had in this month of extending love to the fear of fear itself is finding that I m no longer afraid of fear. This does not mean that I don’t ever feel a feeling of fear (or annoyance, doubt or guilt) but that I can recognize the feel, taste and texture so much more quickly and can acknowledge it for what it is. Namely, a call to pause, ASK for guidance, help, perspective and extend love to all I am feeling or the circumstance in front of me. In lessening my fear of fear, fear is exposed as just another energy, emotion, tightening of some kind or specific,...
Read More10. Day 30: Like Butter In A Dish
Judgment is fear. Fear is judgment. Judgment says “This cannot be as is.” Fear says “This should not be as is.” Judgement and fear are saying the same thing: NO. No to what is, no to what was, no to what should or shouldn’t be. No to how I am feeling, No to how you are feeling. No, no, no, No, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo. It is the energy signature of stop, off, close, hide, flee. What if, instead, we just noticed the fear or judgment (same energy, different clothes)? What if we just noticed we were experiencing fear or had entered into judgment? Nothing...
Read More10. Day 27: The Feeling Formerly Known As Fear
This month with extending love to the fear of fear itself has been really interesting. Firstly, this was January, beginning of a new year and we had just come home from an epic, incredible 7 week trip. I have been in such a different place. It was as if our trip had sort of washed away the need for the “fear of______” story and allowed me to extend loving awareness into the face of fear. I am noticing more quickly when this energy of fear comes. It shuts down even while revving up but it feels different that fear used to feel. It is like the fear itself has colors and...
Read More9. Day 31: Fear Not, LOVE Now, Fun Revealed
I am just waking up on New Year’s Eve in London, I received a “Happy New Year!!!’ message and happy faces photo from long time friends in New Zealand and my peeps back in California are not quite to bed on Dec 30. In a moment such as this it seems quite obvious that NOW includes both past, present and future. NOW is replete with everything everyone needs in any given moment, everywhere. Even without thinking of “spiritual” help or divine inspiration or guidance, the earth and all it’s inhabitants (the original Globe Theater!) when seen as one, do,...
Read More8. Day 29: How Can I Be Ordinary In This Moment?
I wrote a few days ago about the luxury of ordinary. This message of ordinary keeps blessing us daily. There is something very powerful in asking the question: “How can I be ordinary in this moment?” It immediately frees you from figuring out how to be the best, or the fastest or thriftiest. It allows you to connect to being more that accomplishing. This is quite a feat when you have traveled ten thousand miles to a destination and then have the audacity to be ordinary. I think it is our way of listening to our hearts. It is what I most wanted from our trip, to practice,...
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