9. Day 23: Tidings Of Comfort & Joy
On this very busy, full day leading up to our delicious celebration of Christmas let us take time to breathe and extend much love to our thoughts. What instantly came to my mind was the carol “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”. I just started singining, humming really, this hymn to my teaming thoughts of “Why can’t I get the washing machine door open?” to “Where will we have Christmas lunch?” to “I still miss my loved ones who are not right here with me even though everything is perfect.” Try this yourself. Hold your thoughts (anything you...
Read More8. Day 13: Dread Locks Open To Holiness
I have woken with a feeling of compressing, heavy tightness in my chest, I feel like a black hole is forming in my chest and it is so dense it could drag all of me in. I don’t necessarily feel fear but……..what? Anxiety? Exhaustion? Would’ve/should’ve/could’ve? Worthlessness? Fake/phony? I am dreading that our trip could not possibly be all that I hope it to be. Maybe that is the feeling, dread. Oh. Ok, what is this feeling HS? Help me to extend love right here, right now. Thank you. I extend generosity to this thought. Dear Dread, Whatever you...
Read More8. Day 12: Going With God
I love airports. They are such a picture of an in-between world. All who come are welcome. Thousands of strangers rub shoulders and glances and kindness and annoyance on their way to somewhere else. I love it because when I have finally made it to the airport I know I am on my way. This is not to be confused with having arrived. An interesting distinction. I am, indeed, on my way to feeling less fearful of Not-Knowing but I have not arrived. Right now, as the hours and minutes tick down to our boarding the plane I am experiencing tumultuous feelings and thoughts: gratitude,...
Read More6. Day 22: Resistance & A Day At The Beach
Recently I woke up on the appointed day of our annual girls beach outing and was………………tired. I know, it is so boring by now you’d think I’d give up on this. These were the tired thoughts: “I don’t want to go”, “I’m too tired”, “The drive is too long” blah, blah and more blah. Thankfully my daily extending love practice showed up just in time before I picked up the phone and whispered “Can we cancel?” Here is what I noticed first: none of these thoughts felt like love. They...
Read More6. Day 3: My Tiredness Is A Knitted Scarf
I have been aware of my mantra of tiredness for weeks. My daily blogging has allowed me to see just how constantly I affirm this. I had a very full week last week and needed a 20 min nap between appointments. Just as I laid down this phrase came to me, like a feather floating up in front of me: “My tiredness is a knitted scarf. It is beautiful, intricate and well made. Yet it is 120 degrees. What now?” I fell into a deep albeit short sleep. I woke feeling refreshed and couldn’t get the image of my tiredness as knitted scarf out of my head. The next morning, in...
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