12. Day 27: 5 Things To Do When You Experience Spirit-lag
Have you ever noticed this jet laggy sort of experience that happens between when you pray (or ask or set an intention or surrender) and when you feel or see the answer? I’d call it Spirit-lag but somehow that makes it sound like Spirit is lagging behind me, late or otherwise occupied when it is most likely me who is late or otherwise occupied. In the geological sense Spirit IS instantaneous, but I am looking through a microscopic tolerance of light. I make myself laugh sometimes that when I actually manage to remember to ASK within, pray, intend etc that when I don’t see it...
Read More12. Day 7: A Kitchen Miracle
I discovered something about myself the other day; accidentally, in the middle of a conversation with my daughter. She was bemoaning my frustrating habit of talking in non sequators, ie, one thing that does not obviously follow another. I wasn’t trying to confuse, but I was. She wasn’t trying to be confused, but she was. There we were, rinsing the lunch dishes to put in the dishwasher, and confusion had entered the room. Confusion that felt like a massive cow was pressing us up against the counter, taking up space and air and leaving only perplexed discomfort. This did not...
Read More12. Day 2: Do Feelings Lie?
Here are some hard truths I am learning about what I think about feelings. (I notice I am still thinking about them rather than feeling them but I have to start somewhere.) I was a little surprised as I thought I would describe myself as emotional; I cry when certain ads come on, I respond with laughter or tears as is called for, I have been told (by my Mother when I was little) that I wear my feelings on my sleeve. So to look again and see I have a rather low opinion of feelings is a bit startling. The thoughts in no particular order: 1. There is not enough time to feel feelings 2....
Read More10 Day 13: 100 Reasons Why Debt Is My Friend
Just the word debt makes me shrink and tighten. I get internally what a teenage friend of my girls’ once called “sphincter face”. You know, the face you make when you see one of those terrible accidents unfolding on a You Tube video or when you take a big bite out of a lemon. This is the epitome of tighten, resist and STOP the flow (of thought, or feeling, of life). As this blog and my year of Twelvemonth of Self Love is all about extending love to my thoughts I was shown yesterday that I have a whopping area that I allow Love’s Presence to be blocked and that is...
Read More9. Day 2: Joy Sings
This new month of extending love that I may experience joy is unfolding already with the unexpected. We are staying this week with a dear friend in Norwich who drove us all home from a meeting in London yesterday (2 1/2 hours on the M5). It was a grand and long day that was not yet finished when we finally arrived in Norwich. We went directly to choir practice. I haven’t sung in a choir since I was in middle school. This was a non professional choir rehearsing for a charity event coming up in a couple of weeks for Red Balloon Learner Center (a marvelous group who offer specialized...
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