Posts Tagged "Bartholomew"

2. Day 3: Who Me?

Posted by on May 3, 2014 in All-One, Encouragement, Fear of Depression | 3 comments

2. Day 3:  Who Me?

This is why I hate depression.  It pushes people away.  A friend is going through a heavy phase of something. It feels like depression from where I stand but really, what do I know?  My friend does not want to connect at all.  This is the crux of what gets me about being on the other side of depression.  It hurts.  It feels like a slap in the face.  So, Holy Spirit, it doesn’t seem you would feel wounded, hurt, sad or annoyed now so this must be my fear talking. How can I see this in Love’s eyes?  Or rather, let me see in Love what is the truth.  Help me extend willingness, not-knowing and...

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1. Day 24: Rocking the Vastness

Posted by on Apr 24, 2014 in All-One, Encouragement, Fear of Commitment | 2 comments

1. Day 24:  Rocking the Vastness

Today I am feeling the waffling of downsizing my commitment of a daily post: It is not needed. It will inundate my brother. I’m painting myself into a corner. Is this really fun? Why? HS:  Why not? Me:  Why not????  Exactly!! Why the heck NOT?! It won’t hurt, I write everyday anyway. An ambitious goal gets my juices flowing. I want to blow myself away in amazement. I want a searchable record. It IS fun! Oh Yeah!  Now I remember!!  Thanks! Just when I needed some encouragement for this epic commitment of a daily blog posting project this perfect quote appeared before my very eyes: “Your love...

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1. Day 23: Itching Relieves Tension

Posted by on Apr 23, 2014 in All-One, Extending love to my thoughts, Fear of Commitment | 2 comments

1. Day 23:  Itching Relieves Tension

Today commitment is like the annoying itch I have at the moment.  To be honest, I want more to know about the itching that I want to know about commitment. Me:  What is this itching about?  It comes replete with both full-on annoyance and delicious satisfaction.  It keeps coming back, is this some form of self-medication?  Please help me see here, thank you. HS:  Your body continues to call out for care:  movement, moisture, nourishment, stretch, openness and strength. Me:  Honestly, I get tired of my body’s needs.  How can I see this differently? Whoa!  This thought just snuck into my...

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1. Day 18: Prayer & Intention

Posted by on Apr 18, 2014 in All-One, Prayer & Intention | 0 comments

1. Day 18:  Prayer & Intention

HS, please help me be aware and delight in all the help, support, information I might need in my project.  Let this be fun, juicy and uplifting.  I love the help from unexpected sources that comes to me.  I am learning this technology of a new blog with ease and I am loving it.  I actually enjoy the process of posting, maintaining and sharing my experience.  Please guide me in this that I may always ask first so I share a full experience of you, of US. Thank you, amen. OH!  I just realized my friend’s change of heart re helping me is a VOTE FOR MY VOICE.  It is confirmation I...

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