5. Day 9: You Are Love-Able EVERY DAY
It feels like I have barely had time to look directly at my fear of EVERY DAY. I have been walking every day (to be honest I did miss one day due to traveling but let the joy of letting go allow that to be exactly perfect sans guilt of any kind). I feel something important is creeping into my periphery, I can feel it’s presence but can’t quite see it. Me: What would you like to tell me about EVERY DAY and why I fear it or want to argue with it (or ignore it or even flatly refuse it?) HS: Precious One, Thank you for taking time to be with your willingness in this way. Your...
Read More2. Day 21: How Do You Relate To Your Thoughts?
I am struggling to extend love to depression. It feels like depression is anti-gravity and deflects all attempts at joining or welcome. Perhaps the energy of depression is non-attractive? Is it actually repelling? It feels more like zero gravity or exactly center on the spectrum of gravity. Is this stillness??? This is interesting. Stillness is that quality of love that simply abides quietly. What if we could allow depression as stillness? What a difference in our (my) reaction to depression. After a new baby is born we might experience post-partum stillness. One might be able to...
Read More2. Day 9: Unbolting the Door
I am finding trouble accessing the feelings of fear I have for depression. Somehow just (!) being willing to meet and greet something that has caused me grief, confusion, anger, loneliness and silence is lessening all these feelings. I feel almost cheerful, hopeful even, in greeting and welcoming depression. This makes no sense. Me: How can I extend love to a fear if I am not feeling it in the moment? Am I healed already? HS: Dear One, Be glad in this moment you are not experiencing your fear. This does not prevent you from extending much tender awareness to the state of depression. ...
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