When the unexpected, the fearful or the utterly ordinary happens, the Stillness within will comfort, encourage and enfold you in peace. This is what Stillness says whether you are listening or not……….why don’t you pause and listen for awhile? Let each word and sentence caress your heart and remind you, you are loved.
I need do nothing.
All is being done on my behalf for our greatest awareness of joy.
There is nothing I need for all my needs are met in their first infancy of awareness.
Everything is conspiring with me for my greatest joy & peace.
This process of peace unfolding will be utterly precious.
Listening to the orchestra of love will become like hearing the music of the stars playing just for me.
I have everything I need.
Being true to my self is my greatest joy.
I have everything I need.
Self love is my natural habitat.
Trusting Love is my daily delight.
Everything I ever wanted is already right here, right now.
Today is another opportunity for me to know my own precious self.
I have no trouble loving all parts of me for wholeness is my joy & truth.
Miracles occur effortlessly for this is the word of God.
I have everything I need for I am beloved of God.
I am enough. Love is enough.
Health is awareness of my wholeness.
Look closely at the miracle nature ever-present in wholeness.
Wholeness is a self-sealing tirelessness of infinite joy.
Being is enough.
Enough is plenty.
Listening awakens my joy like nothing else.
Messages of love and loveliness come to me all of the time in every way imaginable.
Forgetting is impossible now.
There is only truth–truth is all I need now.
Now is always happening.
I am determined to be a healthy as possible before the next step.
Health and wellness is my natural birthright.
Willingness is my forever companion.
Breathing deeply and slowly instantly connects me to my self.
I am the fullness of life.
There is nothing that I need.
Creating is for my own joyfulness.
Joyfulness is who I am.
I have everything I need.
It is in the still quietness that I can hear the Voice. Thank you for peace, love, and understanding.
In the Stillness we are all one……I meet you there my precious friend whenever I am missing your presence. Thank you always for reading and sharing your heart. xoxo