There are times when the only thing you can do is be utterly still. Not so much as you are all calm and meditative but as in there is literally nowhere else to turn, nothing else to do or think, i.e. fear has you at a complete standstill. When the unexpected happens (and it will) and someone in your circle attempts suicide, or receives a diagnosis, or you get your tax bill and think perhaps the government is planning to pay off its debt with only your contribution. When the baby’s birthdate is no more due to miscarriage or the chronic illness reaches a new low, baffling even the most alternative minded doctors. When you find yourself being able to do absolutely nothing to affect the dismay, the pain, the shock……..it is time for Stillness. Stillness isn’t just not doing anything, but that is where it begins. Stillness is where you feel into the depth of the presence of Love, of God. Here the quiet speaks volumes, the lack of activity accomplishes new worlds and perspective and the lack of movement heals.

Listen for the still, small voice.
Stillness is the gift of tragedy. It is your first stop because you are brought to your knees. It is here you are being loved beyond anything words could express. You feel it. You feel the belovedness, the intention of comfort, the knowingness of all is being taken care of. And then, because we still need them, the words come. The balm of Gilliad, the moment of truth, the still small voice.
And we listen now, because we first entered into the Stillness. We can hear the words of encouragement, of tenderness, of promise and certainty. We are now back in relationship with our heart, that place where the infinite meets us where we are. Breath is now possible, breathing continues at a deeper, more nourishing level. We are restored to peace. This is the place when we can finally ASK. What now? What next? Will you lead me? This is the place where we can and will hear the answers and guidance and be able to receive the tender care that is always on offer.

Let the flow of life inherent in Stillness carry you home.
The next time you are shocked, or deposed, or forgotten. The next time your loved one is hurt, absent or in a panic. The next time, when it is your turn, go within; meet the Stillness that never sleeps. Remember that this (bill, diagnosis, betrayal), too, is grace. This (pain, uncertainty, path), too, is love calling your name. This, too, is perfect; for now Stillness can claim its rightful place in the center of your being and remind you that you are beloved, cared for and utterly cherished. Always. All ways.
Do you need what Stillness has to offer? Pause and enter into it’s presence right now, right where you are. Be still a moment and go home. Breathe. Listen. You are loved.
“Be still, and KNOW that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted throughout the earth.” Psalms 46:10
Dearest Evan, this is hands down, one of my favorite verses. Thanks for reading and sharing. Love you, xoxo
Lovely, Eva. Thank you. =^^=
Dear Friend, you are most welcome. Sending love & hugs always, xoxo