More thoughts re my fear of commitment:
I’m afraid if I commit to a project and am successful, I might outshine another who needs success more than I.
I’m afraid I haven’t thought of everything.
I’m still counting on SOMEONE ELSE to give me the go ahead, the approval, the big thumbs up.
Can I really, truly trust my OWN inner guidance on this blog?
I don’t’ know where to write what, help, help, HELP, HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
I need large chunks of time without appointment or plan.
I love to soak in the holiness of my own heart.
When I play the whirligig game of fast living the world insists on, I give up my self to acquiesce; I eat poorly, I talk loudly and I forget what matters to me.
It feels like I am just BEING—waiting for something to happen then I will act.
I finally ask HS: What is it I can want to do now to facilitate the extension of my own peace and happiness?
Three things happened:
1. I was moved to write a long letter to a friend who had just lost her father suddenly
2. Two poems came to me
3. I drew and colored in my journal.
“Come My Beloved”
The longer I sit
In quiet and solitude
The more I realize
I need do nothing
I am here now
I am holy
Loving my thoughts
Is a refreshing pastime
Until I remember
What I was worried about
Thank you for this daylong soak
In the silence of truth
Let the gratitude I feel
Blossom in unexpected creative expression
Guide me
Divine Friend
I am yours
For the taking
“I’m Coming”
Enough of open waiting
Now for some cowgirl action
Shoot from the hip
Lasso the stars
Declare a holiday on Mars
I want to live in Heaven
While I’m on earth
Is that too much to ask
Or is it only the beginning?
I find peace after expressing HS in poetry and holy doodling. Commitment comes in as many flavors as love!