“A Bowl of Cherries” or Just the Pits?
Is your (average daily) life just a bowl of cherries? Or is it more like just the pits? You are only as rich as your daily life. You are only as successful as your daily life. You are only as happy as your daily life. Do you seek mountain-top experiences? Then you must learn how to reach the mountain top within and then the whole of your daily like is a mountain top experience. Yesterday my daughter asked me what I was looking forward to most on our upcoming visit to Australia next month (going for a family wedding). I had to pause. My mind was blank. Though I am really excited and...
Read More#thursdaysoff
At the beginning of this year (geez! how can that be six months ago already??) I decided (and my weary Father-of-the-Bride husband agreed) that we needed more spaciousness in our lives and schedule this year after what we now refer to it as “The Wedding Year”. We sought to vet our calendars (& rearrange when necessary) and if possible not schedule so many big things in a row. That is to say, notice that if three weekends were filled up the fourth would be emptied immediately. This desire for spaciousness led us to gather together for a short time of meditation in the...
Read MoreFive Ways to Use Facebook as Spiritual Practice
If spiritual practice is our intentional awareness and focus on connecting to God, our hearts and our brothers then let’s link it to something we already do every day: Facebook! Recently I have heard several stories of folks who stepped away from Facebook because of some of the things that were said or posted. I would like to offer an alternative solution. Firstly, if your gut says “No more Facebook!” then listen, you very likely need some up close and personal time with your own heart. On the other hand if you are already a regular Facebook user then why not...
Read MoreFacebook: Torment, Time-waster or Spiritual Practice?
A little over 10 years ago, none of us had even heard of Facebook, let alone imagined how it would come to impact our daily lives. My first introduction to Facebook was through my daughter Savannah who began her freshman year at CCA in Oakland, California in the Fall of 2005. I remember how excited she was about this “cool site for university students to connect”. I have no idea who told her about it or invited her to join but to say Facebook has caught on like wildfire is underselling its impact like saying Hurricane Katrina got a few people a little wet. Weirdly Facebook...
Read MorePolitics As (un) Usual
“Allowing non-citizen’s to vote??! What?! Did I hear that right?” I was certain I misread a news feed but, sadly, it was true. There is a growing push in some quarters to legalize voting for non-citizens in the USA. Apparently it has already begun in California while I was busy preparing for a our daughter’s wedding last fall. I had promised myself to stay well away from the politics of the US Presidential election this year, because no matter what I could say it would be polarizing. I could feel the indignant “WTF??” rising up within me, a...
Read More12. Day 27: 5 Things To Do When You Experience Spirit-lag
Have you ever noticed this jet laggy sort of experience that happens between when you pray (or ask or set an intention or surrender) and when you feel or see the answer? I’d call it Spirit-lag but somehow that makes it sound like Spirit is lagging behind me, late or otherwise occupied when it is most likely me who is late or otherwise occupied. In the geological sense Spirit IS instantaneous, but I am looking through a microscopic tolerance of light. I make myself laugh sometimes that when I actually manage to remember to ASK within, pray, intend etc that when I don’t see it...
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