7. Day 28: How Can I Include Myself (Right Now)?
I asked Holy Spirit how I can include even the fearful parts of ourselves in the wedding preparations. No matter how surrounded from within and without by love I am, thoughts of fear or discord or annoyance come up in an attempt to steal the moment from joy. Me: How best can I include all parts of myself in preparations for the wedding and allow for calm, delight and focused energy? HS: You set the tone of your doing with your BEING and your intention of being. Dear One, this is a marvelous unconditional practice ground to join in the delight and planning of an event (any event). Ask...
Read More7. Day 26: Not A Parlor Trick
I am sitting here in the awareness of honesty. I asked Holy Spirit what do I need to know right now about honesty that I might go even deeper. HS: Dearest One, Honesty is not a parlor trick. It isn’t “that thing you do” when you want a different outcome. Honesty is that practice of willingness to go within and ask. That is all. Honesty is efficient because Love knows only efficiency. Honesty is powerful because Love is powerful. Honesty is revelation because Love is revelation. Honesty is a quality of Love. Be open to all that honesty can tell you about yourself....
Read More7. Day 25: Happy Birthday Beloved One
A birthday message for my beloved from my heart of hearts…… Precious One, Know that you are the power of my heart. You are the way I walk in the world. You are the one I turn to when it is time to act. Your willingess to love in action has made you most useful in spreading the gospel of Love. Dear One you are the apple of my eye. In you is the ever flowing river of life. It is your birth-rite, treasure and joyful secret. This new year is but another brief moment in eternity. Years and decades and minutes and seconds are just different ways to see all that is within you....
Read More7. Day 12: And On The Seventh Day….
Sunday has long been considered a day of rest. In the Bible even God rested on the seventh day of creation. Why is it so difficult to allow rest? To feel worthy of complete rest. Or any rest? Why, if something is easier than we thought, do we find ways to either make it more difficult or explain away the ease? Have you noticed how ill at ease we are with, well, ease? In my month of extending love to fear AS tiredness I really noticed some of the ways I block the awareness of Love’s Presence is to busy/overwhelm/over do myself. I know I will have to return to Holy Spirit again...
Read More6. Day 10: Let The Stillness Feed You
Holy Spirit I feel kind of stuck in this extending love to tiredness because honestly, I want to NOT feel tired. I want to feel whole, abundant well being and frankly tiredness is really missing the mark. I suppose it is obvious but right at this moment, I am too tired to extend love to tiredness. Whether it is me or not I just want to sit here and do nothing. For some reason I feel like I just got an inner high five. Is this what I need to “do” more of, nothing? Please speak to me about my practice this month and how I can see tiredness differently and be at peace with both...
Read More5. Day 31: A Malleable Kindness
Holy Spirit, you spoke yesterday about my awareness expanding out to the stars. That is rather intriguing. Can you tell me more about this and how is relates to this month of EVERY DAY. Thank you Friend. HS: EVERY DAY is the way you melt into the expansion of your awareness. If you were to become aware of your Awareness all at once you could be overwhelmed and experience such shock it would take eons for you to recover. This game of life you enjoy on this earth is just one way you are expanding on the awareness that you are. Fear not talk of the universe at large. Scientists are...
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