Fear of Letting Go

4. Day 5: Full Disclosure

Posted by on Jul 5, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Letting Go, Practices, Veil Sale | 4 comments

4. Day 5:  Full Disclosure

I keep being shown over and over again just how much I HANG ON to everything; thoughts, habits, clothes, email, paperwork etc.  Letting go sounds easy, like how hard would it be to let go of one thing each day?  I am telling you this now.  It makes me feel vulnerable, unprepared, lackadaisical, and like I am cheating somehow.  It also feels really good.  Yikes!  How can these two groups of feeling integrate?  I guess this is what my month of extending love to letting go is all about. I want to explain briefly how I do this blog.  I have several friends who read and are a tad confused.  For...

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4. Day 4: Not Even Fourth Nature

Posted by on Jul 4, 2014 in All-One, Extending love to my thoughts, Fear of Letting Go | 2 comments

4. Day 4:  Not Even Fourth Nature

I have to admit that letting go is not second (or third or fourth) nature to me.  I feel like there is a tense energy that wants to ball up like a fist in me; it wants to strike out and see things it wants to be different and fix/change them.  I feel this fist in my head and gut.  So it is a good thing I am practicing extending love to my fear of letting go.  I need to let go I just don’t know how. I extend awareness to this thought. Somehow just (!) being aware of this tight fist of hanging on to wanting things to be different allows me to be with it a few moments.  In those few...

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4. Day 3: Letting Go Is A Gift

Posted by on Jul 3, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Letting Go, Practices | 0 comments

4. Day 3:  Letting Go Is A Gift

When I am in a hurry, or tired or just plain curious.  I will ask Holy Spirit a question and then just flip open a sacred text or favorite spiritual tome to see if a perspective or deepening opens up in me. (To be honest this works even when I use the comics because the power is in the asking and the noticing.)  I asked Holy Spirit to share what the letting go energy was and how I can use/see it and this passage in NTI leapt out at me: “Look upon your gift and rejoice.  It is an expression given by you.  Its’ purpose is your own joy.  Accept it is joy and it is joy that you shall...

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4. Day 2: Room Assignments, Longmire & Shoes

Posted by on Jul 2, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Letting Go, Holy Dictionary | 2 comments

4. Day 2:  Room Assignments, Longmire & Shoes

I can’t seem to feel the letting-go energy without adding a final “d”–to feel letting God.  I know I have been afraid to let go but right now as I feel into the the letting-go(d) I am relieved, delighted and exhilarated.  Up until recently I know that I had to hang on tight:  to what I know to be true, for safety and for certainty (a bird in hand).  I just walked out in full forward motion to the back porch with tea and journal in hand and my tow caught the edge of the footrest and I nearly want a** over teacup.  The blockage stopped and redirected this powerful...

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4. Day 1: Letting Go Of Velociraptors Is Easy

Posted by on Jul 1, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Letting Go | 2 comments

4. Day 1:  Letting Go Of Velociraptors Is Easy

Letting go of velociraptors is easy; letting go of fear (and your favorite pair of pj’s) is hard.  Or so I thought. I have noticed over the month (of extending love to guilt) I have been feeling a growing letting go energy. It feels like a flow of spaciousness that just IS. I noticed it first when talking to my daughter about wanting to get a new sofa and dining chairs.  I am realizing I am ready to let go all kinds of stuff that I have previously clung too as my life and identity.  I asked Holy Spirit how I can remain open to this energy. HS:  Dearest One, Thank you for noticing this...

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