Fear of Living Joy

9. Day 8: Let Your Joy Be Whole

Posted by on Dec 8, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Living Joy, Holy Spirit Abroad, Qualities of Love | 0 comments

9. Day 8:  Let Your Joy Be Whole

I must confess that I feel a bit naughty or selfish even choosing joy, or living joy.  I mean, there is still so much pain and suffering in the world at large and even in my local vision (the homeless man outside the SPA Grocery selling a magazine).  Why do I get to be full of joy if there is still pain?  This has actually been a question that has plagued me in many ways for years.  Why do I get the nice family and pleasant circumstances when others are so unhappy?  I naturally took this to Holy Spirit and was heartened, as always, with the gentle response. HS:  Precious One, Fear not.  This...

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9. Day 7: Joy Is A Loving Use Of Money

Posted by on Dec 7, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Living Joy | 0 comments

9. Day 7:  Joy Is A Loving Use Of Money

I have been concerned with money on this trip.  Did we overextend?  Will there be enough?  Everything is so much more expensive than I anticipated (everyone said this would happen).  And add to this a 20% VAT (Value Added Tax) on everything; hotel, fuel, food, all purchases, even BNI memberships and plumbing costs.  It is easy to either panic and buy more than I need or go to ground and withdraw and not fully experience our time which has been truly gifted us.  It has been good to have a more working week just gone.  Events, meetings, networking and getting to know our sister region.  I just...

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9. Day 6: Joy Is The Red Balloon

Posted by on Dec 6, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Living Joy | 0 comments

9. Day 6:  Joy Is The Red Balloon

I had the most incredible experience yesterday.  Our dear friend who we are staying with in Norwich took us to tour the Red Balloon Learning Center of Norwich of which he sits on the Board.  This is a place where the victims of severe bullying (the children who are unable to return to school because of being so traumatized as a result of terrifying bullying incidents) are educated in a curriculum which includes the standards of English, Maths and Science but also gentle therapy, a loving environment and a new way to see themselves.  The Red Balloon Learning Center is housed in a three story...

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9. Day 5: Take Time For Joy

Posted by on Dec 5, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Living Joy, Practices | 2 comments

9. Day 5:  Take Time For Joy

I recently came across a quote by Geneen Roth that said: “Enough isn’t an amount.  It is a relationship with what you already have.”—Geneen Roth I believe she was using this in the context of eating, nourishment and awareness of the body but I think it is true in all things.  I am just beginning my month of extending love to the fear of Living Joy.  Joy has always been how I take my temperature.  If I am feeling joy, life is good.  When I do not feel joy, life is flat and charmless.  I used to see joy as something I could find or get or lose.  I could feel joy when...

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9. Day 4: A Call In The Middle Of The Night

Posted by on Dec 4, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Living Joy | 2 comments

9. Day 4:  A Call In The Middle Of The Night

One of the epic fears we all face and dread is the call in the middle of the night.  It is disorienting, shocking, stunning and exhilarating all at the same time.  There is something very galvanizing and clarifying about the call, that has a power all its own.  In the space of a single message two people integral to our lives, hearts and businesses were taken to hospital. The feeling of helplessness, distance, disbelief and shock set alight a string of thoughts, a majestic display of “what if ?” and manic solution, none of which was really needed.  For hours we waited for news,...

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9. Day 3: Joy Is Ordinary, Ordinary Is Joy

Posted by on Dec 3, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Living Joy, Holy Spirit Abroad, Qualities of Love | 0 comments

9. Day 3:  Joy Is Ordinary, Ordinary Is Joy

I have a feeling that joy is quite connected to the ordinary.  Can you tell me/show me what is meant by being ordinary? HS:  Dearest One, the practice of ordinary is the practice of noticing, allowing and being what is true about you all the time. Ordinary is what is always true, no exceptions. Ordinary is the rock upon which you build your life. Ordinary is what the universe is. Ordinary is what IS. You long sought extraordinary as a way to tell yourself you are better what what is.  It is a fool’s game which leaves players exhausted, lost, traumatized and forgetful.  Extraordinary is...

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