2. Day 14: The Flavors of Love
Just in case anyone is feeling tired of looking fear in the eyes I will let you know I am feeling a bit the same way. I mean, why can’t we just focus on love? I am realizing that is exactly what is happening with my willingness to look at fear. Fear IS just a call for love and looking at it is answering in love. So let’s dive into another fear from the “21 Fear Salute”, shall we? 5. The Fear of Vastness Me: Holy Spirit, “the fear of vastness” seems like the same fear as “fear of the bigger picture”, is it? How can I extend love to...
Read More2. Day 13: “Interview With A Fear”
Looking at the “21 Fear Salute” is giving me pause. I am forced to really stop and look closely at the interrelated fears that make up this cloaking of my joy and nature of love we know as depression. I keep thinking that something else will come to me about depression but it seems that witnessing and welcoming 21 fears is enough for now. Perhaps once my fears are all present and accounted for, they will feel safe enough to not feel fearful any more. So let’s tackle the fear of the bigger picture. 4. Fear of the Bigger Picture HS: Why is the bigger picture frightening?...
Read More2. Day 11: The Ensuing Quiet
How do I extend love to depression if it is someone else experiencing depression? I fear it and hate it is because of what I see it do to people: it is isolating, it is debilitating, numbing, withdrawing, saddening, dampening and de-energizing. It seems to cut people off, not only from who they are but cuts them off from relating to themselves as well as others. I think what frustrates me is the seeming lack of caring for self or others. No curiosity and no interest appear to be present. I guess I must think it could be cured/healed with a change of mind. Would I /do I feel the same...
Read More2. Day 9: Unbolting the Door
I am finding trouble accessing the feelings of fear I have for depression. Somehow just (!) being willing to meet and greet something that has caused me grief, confusion, anger, loneliness and silence is lessening all these feelings. I feel almost cheerful, hopeful even, in greeting and welcoming depression. This makes no sense. Me: How can I extend love to a fear if I am not feeling it in the moment? Am I healed already? HS: Dear One, Be glad in this moment you are not experiencing your fear. This does not prevent you from extending much tender awareness to the state of depression. ...
Read More2. Day 8: The Great Drawing Within
I had a great experience with depression the other day I keep meaning to write down. I got some very unexpected news, which kind of blindsided me. I noticed I felt a heavy dragging on my chest, it felt a betrayal of sorts. I felt pitiful, lonely, left out and annoyed all at the same time. I just let all of those feelings be ok. I didn’t try to change or fix it. I just extended the quality of love of noticing. After a little while I went out with friends and as happens when sadness or surprise hits, it is softened tremendously by spending time with those you love. Loving someone is a...
Read More2. Day 7: A One-sided Conversation
One of the fears of depression I have noticed within myself is that I have no right to feel depressed. This quote I read in a Maisie Dobbs novel expressed the nebulous fear in the background I was feeling but couldn’t express. “The girl’s had the very best, so don’t tell me about despair, Miss Dobbs, that girl’s got no right to despair.”—–Birds of a Feather by Jaquelline Winspear I guess I thought if I continued to ignore it, I would always feel happy. HS: Depression cannot be ignored. It is a calling from within to notice your truth. Me: It has taken me a long time to admit...
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