10. Day 21: A-Z of Fear
Fear in all it’s glorious forms and colors is all that stands in our way from being aware of Love’s Divine Presence all the time. There is no need to fear fear itself. Fear is nothing more than a contraction, a sharp intake of breath, a collapsing of thought. The more I shine the light on my fears the more they just seem like different coloring crayons used for shading, drama and spark. Still. Fear usually feels like anything from mild unpleasantness to abject misery. Use this A-Z guide to see if there is something you might be experiencing that could use a little love...
Read More10. Day 10: Fear Is A Stoplight
I woke up today with a feeling of shadow passing over me. I didn’t feel grey exactly but there was definitely a presence of gray with a soupçon of lurking. Since I actually feel rested, happy and satisfied I could notice this “feeling presence” without alarm. I got up and decided to have a cup of tea with this gray feeling presence and see what happened. First I lit a candle, put the kettle on and generally got comfortable. The gray seemed less ominous already but still present, just out of sight. Then these words floated into my awareness: Fear is a stoplight. Oh....
Read More7. Day 14: When Extending Love Is Impossible
I am beginning to wish I had not listened to the Holy Spirit and chosen extending love to my fear of honesty. And I certainly wish I hadn’t told anybody. I am in a funk today for no apparent reason. I could call up a few reasons and try to make those stories the “why” of my funk but that feels less than honest (again I say damned honesty). I just woke up with a great sense of heaviness on my chest, a tightly-wound, imploding sort of energy. It feels like a personal version of a black hole. And nothing untoward has happened. I want to run from this energy but must...
Read More6. Day 30: Tiredness Is But A Reminder To Go Within
In this month I have spent with tiredness (extending love, honesty, understanding, awareness and trust etc) I can honestly say “What was I afraid of again??” I now know, down to my [still occasionally weary] toes that tiredness is but my reminder to pause, breathe and go within. Immediately if not sooner. I can see that tiredness covers a multitude of sins of love’s omission. When I think about, worry about, brag or complain about tiredness, I am missing its precious gift. Only when I stop and really notice, welcome, allow and be with tiredness does it reveal its true...
Read More6. Day 3: My Tiredness Is A Knitted Scarf
I have been aware of my mantra of tiredness for weeks. My daily blogging has allowed me to see just how constantly I affirm this. I had a very full week last week and needed a 20 min nap between appointments. Just as I laid down this phrase came to me, like a feather floating up in front of me: “My tiredness is a knitted scarf. It is beautiful, intricate and well made. Yet it is 120 degrees. What now?” I fell into a deep albeit short sleep. I woke feeling refreshed and couldn’t get the image of my tiredness as knitted scarf out of my head. The next morning, in...
Read More5. Day 27: What Do You Do When EVERY DAY Is A Sentence?
It would be so easy to glibly go about my daily walk, happy for the many revelations I have had and leave it there. But what about when EVERY DAY is a sentence like with a diagnosis of a rare and vicious cancer, or a sudden terrible death or an actual prison sentence for crimes real or assumed? What about the gifts of EVERY DAY then? Do they exist? How do you find the gift of EVERY DAY when every day you are faced with the unfolding of a very real event that threatens your self or someone you love? This kind of EVERY DAY feels the complete opposite of the joy of setting an EVERY DAY goal...
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