Posts by eva

11. Day 8: Extreme Love Uses It All

Posted by on Feb 8, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success, Veil Sale | 0 comments

11. Day 8:  Extreme Love Uses It All

I am experiencing the law of attraction in a most helpful manner.  Since I have begun my month of extending love to the fear of success people are literally coming out of the woodwork to help, assist, offer a new perspective and cheer me on with great suggestions.  I have received videos, articles, memes that have truly helped me on my journey to opening to how success is but another part of me, not separate from me.  It is as if success itself, even the idea of it, is a light shining into my depths to show me my tight or dark places resistant to loving.  One such thought was a meme sent by...

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11. Day 7: 10 Things I Love About Me

Posted by on Feb 7, 2015 in All-One, Blogging As My Spiritual Practice, Fear of Success | 6 comments

11. Day 7:  10 Things I Love About Me

One of the benefits of writing a daily blog is that I don’t need to put so much pressure on myself over the content/value/importance of each and every post. This is eerily mimicking daily life.  If I notice my life as a whole, any single day is just a part of something whole and beautiful and powerful.  When I look at the blog as a whole, it (and by association the writer, um, that’s me) is already a huge success. (Is this what I was really afraid of?  Finding out I am already a success???).   I showed up every day. Even the two or three days that I double posted or made one post...

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11. Day 6: Success, A Bedtime Story

Posted by on Feb 6, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success, Veil Sale | 0 comments

11. Day 6:  Success, A Bedtime Story

Last night I was in bed by 8 o’clock.  I was knackered after a long but fabulous day.  We used a new venue for our quarterly director meeting which meant getting there early, working out quirks, setting up tables and chairs, finding outlets, figuring out how a new projector works etc. Then a full energy meeting with a tremendous team. Getting together with our team is one of my favorite things to do.  I get so much (learn, intuit, delight in) from them I have to remember that we are also here to work.  At the end of the day my husband and I ran home in order for him to pack and get to...

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11. Day 5: The Wealth You Seek

Posted by on Feb 5, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success, Holy Dictionary | 2 comments

11. Day 5:  The Wealth You Seek

Yesterday I was feeling rather stumped by this month of extending love to success.  I feel it doing a work within me that I cannot actually see yet.  I feel this will bubble up into some form of action or practice but right now I am content with just being in the presence of my thoughts about success without ignoring, organizing or fleeing.  This morning this thought came to me: The fear that chose me will know what to do; I need but abide in the Love that I AM. I sat for a long time in meditation just enjoying the presence of quiet and spaciousness within me.  My thoughts were blissfully...

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11. Day 4: Success: A Love Letter

Posted by on Feb 4, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success | 2 comments

11. Day 4:  Success: A Love Letter

Dearest Success, I have long tried to outrun you for fear of what it might mean if you caught up with me.  I felt sure you would require something that I did not have to give.  Would it be a talent I didn’t possess?  Or that I missed the cue of what to do next?  Or would it be the embarrassment of not knowing what to say when I received the requisite honors or adulation.  Whatever it is that I have avoided in you I sincerely apologize for.  It seems both churlish and clueless to avoid something that could make my days more interesting, richer and possibly more fun. I have been thinking...

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