Posts by eva

11. Day 13: It’s What Love Would Do

Posted by on Feb 13, 2015 in All-One, Encouragement, Fear of Success | 0 comments

11. Day 13:  It’s What Love Would Do

I have a dear and good friend who is my soul’s mirror, my holy witness and agitator without whom I would never see wholly.  This one is a gift beyond measure (and you know I, now, truly adore and am uplifted by measure).  I have the joy and privilege of being able to be my whole, unadulterated, untidy, unwitting self when we are together.  I find this One in all I meet…….if I but allow it.  We learn how to love and be loved limitedly one step, hug and glance at a time until we can bear to allow and entertain the true unlimited  nature of the Love that we are. Today these...

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11. Day 12: Awareness By-The-Measure

Posted by on Feb 12, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success, Veil Sale | 0 comments

11. Day 12: Awareness By-The-Measure

I finally came across the best reason I have ever heard for measuring goals.  I seem to be one of those people who equate measuring with judging.  It might have stemmed from always being the last person picked for the team for athletic pursuits and the first person picked to lead an academic squad or entertainment committee.  Measuring, in my mind, must inevitably lead to judging something better or worse, less or more, good or bad.  So I have always resisted measuring of any kind.  When the recipe calls for a half a cup of cheese I just scoop out “some” cheese and think...

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11. Day 11: Considerations, Fears & Roadblocks

Posted by on Feb 11, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success | 2 comments

11. Day 11:  Considerations, Fears & Roadblocks

I read a great way to describe thoughts in Jack Canfield’s book yesterday.  He describes these things as just “part of the process of success”.  He says look out for these things, they will  happen: considerations, fears and roadblocks. Considerations:  are thoughts that tell you that you can’t or shouldn’t do something.  It might look like “My wife’ll kill me”, “I don’t want to get up two hours earlier”  “It’s too hard”,  “My territory is maxed out” Fears:  are feelings; fear of being rejected,...

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11. Day 10: Listening To My Heart’s Desire

Posted by on Feb 10, 2015 in All-One, Encouragement, Fear of Success | 0 comments

11. Day 10:  Listening To My Heart’s Desire

Here’s the thing,  there is nothing wrong with success and there is nothing wrong with me.  But when you put the two together I fall apart.  I get so off beat and try too hard and forget to listen to my heart because I am reading my to do list or the 30 things I want to do/30 things I want to have/30 things I want to be list.  It is like studying a textbook about walking every time I want to take a walk.  I must have to come to success in my own way.  Sure, I can use advice, idea’s and disciplines from someone who has already done this but I have to go within first to see how I...

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11. Day 9: What I Learned About Success From My Landscaper

Posted by on Feb 9, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success | 0 comments

11. Day 9:  What I Learned About Success From My Landscaper

I learned a great lesson about success from Fransisco, the landscaper and drain guru who is working to solve a big drainage issue we are having.  For the last couple of years (maybe longer) when it rains we have a little water seep into our guesthouse between the low foundation of a small bathroom added on in the sixty’s and the main concrete slab of the guesthouse itself.  In the beginning it was just enough to put a towel down to soak up, as if you had spilled a glass of water.  Over time it very gradually got worse.  But then we hadn’t had rain of any size for that same couple...

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