Posts by eva

11. Day 18: To Know Thyself In All Your Grace

Posted by on Feb 18, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success, Holy Dictionary | 6 comments

11. Day 18:  To Know Thyself In All Your Grace

I am about to take a totally new step for me.  I have the opportunity to attend a spiritual writing conference  in Chicago next month.  It includes one of my favorite writers and is produced by a favorite publisher, Hay House.  They are sweetening the deal with an amazing opportunity for writers aspiring to be published (I have just discovered this about myself in this month of looking at success.  EEK!!  I realized I actually do want to publish my work in the form of a book or three).  In addition to learning how to submit work for publication the attendees will actually submit work for...

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11. Day 17: Why Is Working HARD Always A Success Principle?

Posted by on Feb 17, 2015 in All-One, Extending love to my thoughts, Fear of Success, Veil Sale | 2 comments

11. Day 17:  Why Is Working HARD Always A Success Principle?

I will let you in on a little secret.  You simply can’t hang out with the idea of success, even if fear is present, without kind of wanting to experience some version of success.  This may explain why I uncharacteristically set a timer for one hour and told myself “you can clean the drawers under the washer and drier for one hour; just go for it!”  Because I am really noticing exactly what spurs me on to success or what holds me back this month I have become aware of something again and again. One of the things that holds me back is what I might call fearing it all might be...

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11. Day 16: Extending Love To Worry

Posted by on Feb 16, 2015 in All-One, Extending love to my thoughts, Fear of Success | 2 comments

11. Day 16:  Extending Love To Worry

The other day I just woke up ready to cry.  My saddened, sodden pile of thoughts left me feeling damp, cold, heavy and unforgiving.  It took me a while to realize this feeling/thought cluster was worry.  Our prolonged trip and time of rest had nearly all but wiped worry from my radar; enough so as I didn’t recognize the feeling at first.  Now recognized, I saw the thoughts wanted to drag years of past responses and memories as the demonstration as to why worry was not only needed but the obvious best option. I thought to myself, “Not this time.  Worry, you may stop right there, I...

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11. Day 15: A Mighty Peace

Posted by on Feb 15, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success, Feel the Holy Spirit | 0 comments

11. Day 15:  A Mighty Peace

I read today these known words in a book I randomly picked up off my bookshelf:  “If thou canst but believe; all things are possible to him who believes.”  It is the crux of opening up to success of any kind. And it bloody annoys me.  It stirs up in me anger, hurt and shame because I again wonder, “Why and how could I have forgotten who and what I am?” This is what is being forgiven in my extending love to the fear of success.  This deep angry, annoyed, entitled shame.  Shame, not that I allowed the forgetting, but that I am caught out.  I could not outwit,...

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11. Day 14: The Deepest Depth

Posted by on Feb 14, 2015 in All-One, Encouragement, Fear of Success, Holy Dictionary, Holy Spirit Says | 0 comments

11. Day 14:  The Deepest Depth

Dearest Ones, Love is invincible. Love cannot be broken. Love cannot be separated. Love cannot be made not Whole, only seen this way through closed eyes and tight heart. Love is all you need. Love is all you have. Love is the truth you seek. There are infinite ways to know and experience love. Join with the love that you are and you will take your invincibility everywhere you go. Join with the love you are that you may see yourself in and through Love’s eyes. You are already perfect, whole, delighted joy, peace and eternal comfort. This I know for I know you. You are the apple of  my...

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