Posts by eva

11. Day 23: Loving Thy Neighbor

Posted by on Feb 23, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success | 0 comments

11. Day 23:  Loving Thy Neighbor

I have come across the very accepted idea relating to success that in order to maintain and nurture positive thinking look closely at who you associate with because this affects your own positive thinking.  While this is, indeed, true, that you can be and are affected by negativity in your midst I must add my own experience with this.  While I completely agree that you can be and are influenced by those around you including the popular idea “You are the five people you spend the most time with” in my experience the biggest influence is how much time you spend with your own heart,...

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11. Day 22: Editing As Spiritual Practice

Posted by on Feb 22, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success | 2 comments

11. Day 22:  Editing As Spiritual Practice

I discovered during my new poetry class that I no longer fear the judgment of the editing process.  I still feel tentative in my editing however and would like to know more about this process and how to go about it without being mired in self doubt and overthink.  Is this possible or does the process just allow more to come up for healing? HS:  Precious One, “Come along with me, the best is yet to be.” These words from your own sundial are your reminder that you are just beginning in your quest to know your heart fully.  It is a life quest and one that will continue to fill you...

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11. Day 21: The Ecstasy Of Ekphrasis

Posted by on Feb 21, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success | 2 comments

11. Day 21:  The Ecstasy Of Ekphrasis

Since learning to extend love to my fear of success has to include the opportunity for success (and failure), I signed up for a poetry class at the Crocker Art Museum.  Poetry is very near and dear to my heart because this was the first way I was conscious of my heart voice and the Holy Spirit speaking to me.  It was so unusual to find my self writing poetry it really grabbed my attention.  Since those early days I find myself drawn to expressing through poetry the thoughts, feelings and revelations I can’t otherwise capture.  Up until now I have never really read  my poetry aloud in a...

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11. Day 20: In Order To Form A More Perfect Union

Posted by on Feb 20, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success, Practices | 4 comments

11. Day 20:  In Order To Form A More Perfect Union

I was really struck by a new definition of success in yesterday’s daily reading from Tama Kieves wonderful new book “A Year Without Fear” (of course I love this book;): “You don’t regret the past.  You regret the present.  You regret the past only when you’re not wildly in love with all you’re right now and all you are experiencing in this time.  Change the moment before you, and you change how you feel about everything.  You can’t be in the wrong life…..if you’re in the right moment. Today I am willing to do anything I need to do...

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11. Day 19: Is My Spiritual Practice Enough?

Posted by on Feb 19, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success, Inner Guidance | 0 comments

11. Day 19:  Is My Spiritual Practice Enough?

“Successful people exude self-confidence, ask for what they want and say what they don’t want.  They think anything is possible, take risks and celebrate their success.  They save a portion of their income, and share a portion with others.  These things don’t cost money, just intention.”—The Success Principles by Jack Canfield p.93 Ok, sure.  If you do and are all these things you will be successful.  My questions is this:  is success in the material/physical world possible with “just” extending glove to your thoughts, feeling the Holy...

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