Posts by eva

11. Day 28: Success Is Always An Option

Posted by on Feb 28, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success | 0 comments

11. Day 28:  Success Is Always An Option

I must admit, here at the end of the month of extending love to the fear of success that I have little to report except the obvious.  Failure is never final. Success is ALWAYS an option.  I know.  You already knew that.  It’s like saying the Crown Jewels are breathtaking.  But why?? Why is success always an option?  There are times that failure is death or catastrophic mess or pain, what then?  The thing I have learned about success by uncovering my eyes and looking at it is that success is.  Success is just like Love is or God is or I am. Success is a part of me, of life, of this...

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11. Day 27: Feelings Communicate; Are You Listening?

Posted by on Feb 27, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success, Poetry | 0 comments

11. Day 27:  Feelings Communicate; Are You Listening?

Yesterday was a day of feeling.  Or rather trying to keep down feelings like someone on board a boat tries to keep lunch down while coursing over the heavy chop.  The feelings leak out of course as eventually lunch does when seasickness overtakes.  It is inconvenient, messy and leaves you feeling drained.  Perhaps that is the true purpose of feelings, to drain you of what is not you until all that is left is your true self.  I have one friend who I have known since high school, only just now coming to consciousness after four days post an unscheduled heart bypass surgery. At the same time my...

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11. Day 26: 100 Reasons Why Feedback Is Love Too

Posted by on Feb 26, 2015 in 100 Reasons Why, All-One, Fear of Success, Holy Dictionary | 0 comments

11. Day 26:  100 Reasons Why Feedback Is Love Too

Yesterday I wrote about a recent experience with some negative feedback I had received.  Getting negative feedback is as helpful as getting positive feedback but it often doesn’t feel like that at first.  Sometimes feedback makes you crazy or angry or hurt.  Sometimes it makes you want to run, flee or change your name.  I needed a list to help me remember when I am stuck in the deafening place of not remembering that love is present so I asked Holy Spirit to show me how feedback (all kinds) is love too. 100 Reasons Why Feedback Is Love Too The Universe is kind. I am actually asking for...

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11. Day 25: I Can Drop The “F”

Posted by on Feb 25, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success | 2 comments

11. Day 25:  I Can Drop The “F”

Here is a new way to notice, receive and welcome all that is happening around you.  It is ALL feedback.  It is information of one kind or another that lets you know if you are on target.  The trick is, you get to set the target or goal.  If your goal is to be at peace, finish college, run to the end of the block or reorganize your office everything that happens around you can be considered feedback or a reflection of your intention or lack thereof.  If you are feeling peace, joy and love you are ON course; if you are feeling angst, misery and loneliness then you are OFF course.  It is not...

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11. Day 24: All Paths Are Blessed

Posted by on Feb 24, 2015 in All-One, Fear of Success | 2 comments

11. Day 24:  All Paths Are Blessed

One of the things that dissuades me from fully inhabiting success is the feeling that I would have to leave something or someone behind and I never like to leave anyone (or anything if my garage is anything to go on) behind.  Like the success principle I referred to yesterday about letting go of negative people in your life helps move you toward your own positivity and success.  But perhaps there is something else going on. Me:  Holy Spirit, please speak to this worry of mine that someone or something will be left out or hurt if success is present. HS:  Be still my beating heart. Fear not...

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