Yesterday’s sunrise was breathtaking, all orange and pink and cold. Today thy sky hung heavy with cloud. A perfect day for staying in.
“Today We Give Thanks”
Frost, powder-white and glistening
heavy wadding of cloud taking up space
on the moor
rocket cars oblivious
to the beauty surrounding
their passage
Today, we declare, a day of rest
Let the Snug be enough
close, warm, with peephole windows
to the passing world
Today we give thanks
for this day of days
here and now
breath and comfort
life and living
Enough. It is entirely enough.
“Good Morning”
Morning becomes life again today
birds awaken with vocal cheer
certain their song benefits all
The body is slower to vocalize joy
lumbering and sputtering
ready for hot tea and toast
finally able to acknowledge the sweet message
of birdsong
I greet the morning with awe
a sigh of relief
We two are here together
companions of Life and Love
willing to
Let it be thus