8. Day 13: Dread Locks Open To Holiness

Posted by on Nov 13, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Not-Knowing | 6 comments

8. Day 13:  Dread Locks Open To Holiness

I have woken with a feeling of compressing, heavy tightness in my chest, I feel like a black hole is forming in  my chest and it is so dense it could drag all of me in.  I don’t necessarily feel fear but……..what?  Anxiety? Exhaustion? Would’ve/should’ve/could’ve?  Worthlessness? Fake/phony?  I am dreading that our trip could not possibly be all that I hope it to be.  Maybe that is the feeling, dread.  Oh.  Ok, what is this feeling HS?  Help me to extend love right here, right now.  Thank you.

I extend generosity to this thought.

Dear Dread,

Whatever you need Dear Dread I can give it to you.  Do you need assurance, peace, support, comfort, direction?  Do you need a step by step plan, a team, a mission?  Do you need time off from thinking, hot soup, a soft blanket? Anything at all you need, I have it and willingly give to you.

Holiness Unlocks

Holiness Unlocks

 Permission to be fabulous?  Permission to be quiet? Permission to cry, whine, rage, nap?  You got it.  There is nothing I can’t give you.  There is nothing you have to do right now.  Everything you do can be solely on the basis of delighted desire and deep wanting.

You cannot ask for more than you are.  Fear not the feeling of dread energy, allow it to show you what you most want–not what you should want–but what you really want.

HS:  Allow dread to do its job, then it can leave.

Me:  Right now I am feeling dread in both directions–going back or going forward.

HS:  Then perhaps being still is in order.  Still. Quiet.  Open.  Being.  Holiness.  Rest.  Ease.  Light.  Breath.  Circle, Circle, Circle.  Wholeness.  Round garden paths. Whole thoughts. Whole foods.  Whole purpose.  Whole Love. Wholeness.  Vastness.  Being. Spaciousness.  Relaxedness.  Softness.  Quiet.  Silence.  Shhhhhhhhhhh………….


  1. My Dear Friend,

    I do understand your message today. Until the doctor gets my sleeping problem resolved some days I just wonder how I can face another day. But guess what…. I DO. They are not easy, but with God by my side I am able to accomplish much. It’s called one step in front of the other. And as I sit in my office looking out my window at the rain, and feeling the warmth from the heater my heart is filled with such gratitude for rain, for warmth, for another day.

    I hope your Holiday will be filled with many wonderful memories.

    • You are the living picture of gratitude, may the rest your soul feels continue and the sleep your body needs be resolved. xoxo

  2. Dear Eva, Thoughts and feelings are not only temporary, but they are as impersonal as raindrops falling from the sky. As we awaken from the dream of separation from our Divine True Nature, ego drips all kinds of things through the channels of thoughts and feelings. I am so grateful that you have the channel open to HS. May you continue to be open to the Truth that sets you FREE, as you vulnerably share what passes through you. All things come to pass. May you re-claim your peace and sense of adventure for this next chapter of your Great Story of Life!
    Blessings and Love,

    • I am less afraid of what I am experiencing, more curious; so little suffering now, peace remains in my midst no matter what. And I am more and more aware of all being Love. xoxox

  3. when we worry about the past or future the present leaks out
    focus on gratitude for what IS in this moment

    • In this moment…..rain glorious rain, new adventure, quiet, beautiful heat in our cottage, and precious friends who can hear my heart. Thank you, xoxoxo

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