7. Day 3: Honesty Is An Alarm Clock

Posted by on Oct 3, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Honesty | 0 comments

7. Day 3:  Honesty Is An Alarm Clock

Of course my pension for people pleasing will not disappear overnight, nor will my desire to practice honesty on all levels appear magically.  I found these quotes at the perfect time in this month of extending love to the fear of honesty.  This  first one seems to be a direct path to honesty with regard to people pleasing.  Rather than people pleasing, heart pleasing is the way out of pain and fear.  What can I do to let those around me sense their innocence, purity and beauty?  Pleasing someone in order that they not be un-happy is not the same thing as seeing their true nature of happiness, innocence and beauty.  When I let another know of his own innocence I am reminding myself of the same.

“The way out of fear and pain is simple. It is to remember what it is you want to feel. Choose what you can do to let those around you sense their innocence, their purity and their beauty, and those very things will grow in you.”—-Reflections of An Elder Brother, by Bartholomew p. 7

Another quote confirmed why extending love to my thoughts is so powerful and how a practice of honesty in all things is transformative:

“You must be willing to be a co-creator with God. A co-creator is one who decides what attributes of God-Self they want to experience and then concentrates on those attributes UNTIL they appear.”—-Reflections of An Elder Brother, by Bartholomew p. 9

I have noticed already, in a few days, I am more aware of honesty (or its’ absence).  I didn’t realize how fearful I felt toward honesty.  The big surprise is that my fear of honesty did not prevent honesty from operating anyway. (this is a huge relief to discover)  Honesty is present whether I know it or not.  Fear of honesty prevents me from receiving the gifts and joys of honesty even as it operates within me.

I am beginning to think of honesty as an alarm clock.  It wakes me up to myself when I drift off into the sleep of fear, annoyance or down-sizing my self.  This is what happens when I revert to people pleasing mode.  I down-size my self because I think my real self will be found wanting in some way.  This makes no sense of course which is why honesty is so helpful.  If I pause to be honest with myself I am relieved of the need to down-size, thwart or otherwise see myself as less-than. Honesty reminds me I am enough.


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