Holy Spirit, I step with some trepidation into the light with honesty. For some reason my looking for and at honesty in myself has highlighted my great skill in people pleasing, rather than honesty. Could you clarify honesty and this second cousin of pleasing others. It feels false, or at least, not the whole story.
HS: Precious One,
There is nothing wrong with pleasing yourself or another. It is often great joy to give that very thing another is desiring. Where pleasing disconnects is when pleasing becomes the goal and end. Allow the energy of pleasing to meet and welcome the great energy of honesty and ASK ,”What is pleasing, honestly, for me, for us, right now?”
Dearest One, you never have to choose either/or, Love is already present. Ask that your awareness of Love be activated if you are feeling lost, uncomfortable or suffering in any way. Glory in the many ways pleasing and honesty work together for good in Love. Love can only please itself. Notice when you try to leave your own self out of an attempt to please another. If this happens, ASK for your self to be present and honesty will guide you.
Appease is not the same as please. Appease desires to shut another down or up; this is a stopping, halting energy. When this happens ASK how both of you can be present together with honesty.
Me: Is people pleasing what I fall into or back on when I am avoiding honesty? or in avoiding honesty must I resort to people pleasing?
HS: Honesty, by its very nature IS your true self. When you have sidestepped yourself out of fear, confusion or expediency, you automatically avoid honesty. Honesty is yourself. The reason honesty is so very powerful is that it allows your self to be known. You can be honest without the need for judgment or justification. One of the things you are most fearful of is hurting another. Being yourself does not hurt another. Attempting to not be yourself in order to save another is dishonest. True honesty IS. Allow the is-ness of honesty to be a moment and just notice what honesty wants to express. Sit with it a moment and realize this is the truth about you; then ASK how and if this can be expressed in this moment. Many times, just realizing the truth within yourself is enough. Other times you are called to express this. Always go within and ASK if you are unsure.
An excellent and much needed lesson for me!
Thank you!!
I will have to revisit this again and again:) xoxo