Here are the 1oo Reasons Why What I Want Can Come To Me Easily, Fast & Harmoniously:
- Jesus loves me
- I love Jesus
- I am made of Love
- Everything is made of Love
- I want only the best for all
- God/the Universe/ Truth loves me
- Loving is all that is happening
- The blocks to the awareness of Love are dissolving easily & effortlessly all of the time
- I want to see Love & God in all things
- Gratitude flows in, through, around me
- I am surrounded by wonderful people, circumstances, & opportunities
- The very thing I think is my greatest problem is, in fact, my greatest gift
- Respect is a simple matter of acknowledging truth and what IS
- Everyone loves me
- Everything loves me
- Every problem is loving me, I just haven’t realized this yet
- Learning is fun
- Truth IS
- I am truth
- I can express Love in any way I desire
- I can create anything & any way I desire
- Creation is my joy
- Living is easy, fun & satisfying
- I have created my blindness & I can open my eyes any time I wish
- There is nothing wrong
- The only reason I forget is because it is so very wonderful to remember
- My children are made of Love
- They are strong, capable & willing to open their eyes to our ever present joy, peace & wonder
- The Universe is my playground
- It loves nothing more than to give me exactly what I desire
- I desire joy, peace & clarity for myself & my brother
- I have everything I need
- My children have everything they need
- My husband has everything he needs
- What is true for me is true for all
- No one is left behind, ever
- Asking for help, guidance & eyes open is easy & delightful
- I can trust my dear inner guidance
- I can trust my brother’s guidance too
- I love the infinite qualities of love
- All the qualities of love are my friends
- I know what I want
- Peace is for all
- Forgiveness is for when we momentarily forget this
- The Universe is saturated with Love
- Any pain is a brief forgetting of this truth
- Remembering what already & always IS is breath, joy & completion in one
- The Universe wants what I want
- Whatever is happening IS the best thing for me
- Whatever is happening IS the best thing for my children
- Whatever is happening IS the best thing for my husband
- Worry is but my alarm clock reminder to awaken to TRUST
- I have done nothing wrong because there IS nothing wrong
- Beauty if my gift of seeing
- I can trust beauty & see beauty in all things
- No matter what is happening I am already receiving everything I have ever wanted
- I can feel the flow, beauty & power of the Holy Spirit of All-That-IS
- Power & creation are my friends
- Everything is conspiring together for my greatest joy
- I can ask for anything I need, want, desire
- This opens my eyes to what already is
- Vastness is my friend
- I am a friend to Vastness
- I let go lovingly of all that is not serving me to make room for what will serve me best
- Fear is but a friend who reminds me to open my eyes, ask & trust
- Thoughts are friends
- Harmony is always happening when I let go of my story
- Love always flows easily, harmoniously & eternally
- I am riding this flow in my daily life
- Purpose is inherent in design
- Design is inherent in creation
- Creation is inherent in life
- Life is in inherent in love
- Love is in inherent in God
- God is in inherent in all
- All is in inherent in one
- There is nothing to fear
- My cells are harbingers of love & joy
- My body wants only to love me & be a beautiful, willing, strong interface with the world I live in
- Poetry is the way the Universe speaks
- Art is the way we participate in the conversation of the stars
- Science is art too
- Remembering who & what I am is delicious
- Healing is but a tin shift in perspective
- Messages of love, assurance, beauty, harmony, comfort & awakening are all around me
- I can not be left out of my own life, awakening & gratitude for all
- My husband loves me intrinsically, loyally, completely & always & I love him without reservation
- Letting go of what is not serving me is but a tool of creation, nothing is wrong
- I love expressing myself & my Self
- Thoughts make things
- Extending love to my thoughts ensures I see all things in love & can only make love with my thoughts
- Strength is the prerogative of Kings
- We are each one King—of our heart, our life, our joy, peace & influence
- I attract beauty, harmony, joy, delight & ease in all my dealings
- My work is my joy & allows me to speed up the awareness of what already IS beautiful, kind & precious
- My family is my joy
- I am my family’s joy
- Loving myself is not different from the Universe loving me
- Loving myself is loving God
- God IS. I AM. We ARE.
Read these. Digest these. Print them and ponder them. Let them sink in. Really, there are millions of reasons why what we want can and DOES come to us easily, fast and harmoniously. These are just 100 of the reasons that poured out of my heart when I asked. What are some of your reasons? Make your own list.
For some reason this morning, Eva, point 79 resonated deeply within my heart. Thank you for this wonderful expression of gratitude and joy this morning. I love you!
It is funny, this morning your joy in “79. My body wants only to love me & be a beautiful, willing, strong interface with the world I live in” was just the reminder I, myself , needed. It is the end of the week and the thoughts of “Oh, I am really tired” are naturally here and to remember with joy and gratitude my body really DOES want to love me is such a relief. It allows my cells to relax and feel the light and gratitude within. Thank you for reading and I love you heaps too!! xoxo