I am in a peculiar dither. It is time to really move deeper into a new phase of mothering and I feel like I am moving through a river of molasses carrying an 80 lb pack. This is the slow uncertainty that often precedes the eye-opening transformation already in progress. It doesn’t feel good. I feel blind, deaf, and most certainly dumb. How do I continue being a Mother without being a “MUTHER”. Standing back is not my strong suit. Wanting to share everything is. What happens when it is time to truly let your children walk their own paths? I’ll tell you. Late night prayer sessions, a few tears, and a slow dawn that brings a blush to your cheek with its rosiness.
I finally am realizing that I am tired (go figure, tiredness makes its presence known again) of feeling responsible for their happiness and well being. (I can almost hear them both popping champagne corks and doing happy dances.)
Seeing this thought in my journal led to another thought: was I ever really responsible for their well being and happiness???? A dear friend of mine was in conversation with several other mothers on when is the time we are no longer responsible and the agreed upon time when a parent is no longer responsible for their child’s happiness is 15 years old. Oh. I didn’t get that memo. Not because they demanded of me but because I demanded it of myself. What is being made abundantly clear to me is that it is time to focus again (again and again) on my own happiness and wellbeing. This is a gift without price, to demonstrate to my own daughters that my happiness is indeed within me and not waiting on any outward condition to be fulfilled.
If what I want is happiness for all, both myself and my family then how can I best experience this regardless of what is going on around me? I feel certain God and the Universe want my happiness to be known to me always. A Thought from the Universe led me to make a list of:
100 Reasons Why What I Want Can Come To Me Easily, Fast & Harmoniously
Tune in tomorrow for a taste of just some of those reasons……………..
Letting go & letting God ain’t so easy, especially when it comes to the fruit of our loins….
Scott Kalechstein Grace sings a parody song: “Waking Up is Hard to Do”
I must look up this song, it sounds waaaay to perfect not to, lol! xoxo
Jill, this is darling and hilarious!!! Thanks so much for sharing! I’d love to have a session with him and hear what song he would share. Have you ever done this? Thanks again!!! xoxo
I’ve heard Scott channel songs for people. I’ve published some of his articles in my Self-Empowerment newsletter. He is very talented. He performs at many conferences & does house concerts. http://scottsongs.com/