One thing I have noticed in my extending love to my old fear of EVERY DAY is that I have strengthened my awareness of my awareness. I know that sounds like double talk but I believe I actually am and have Awareness all the time. It might even be what I call Holy Spirit or at least it is how I connect to Holy Spirit (or Consciousness or the Universe or Divine MInd). In strengthening my awareness of the Awareness I am becoming attuned to my walk of holiness that unfolds EVERY DAY. I sense the ever presence of that undefined something that always IS, no matter what I think, say or do. You may have had experience of this ISness yourself in times of trouble, bliss or shock. It is that Presence that whispers to go right when your mind is telling you go left. It is that Being-ness that holds and envelopes all things whether your heart is breaking or you are sky high celebrating. It is this very Presence that I feel like my EVERY DAY walk has been pointing me towards.
The poetry of committing to walk EVERY DAY with Holy Spirit is not lost on me but what is surprising is that *I* feel more, bigger, stronger, vaster now. I am the same yet different. It is a little like the last moments of my Mother’s life when she vigorously and robustly shouted “HURRY! HURRY!!” to an unseen Presence in the room. When she left her body I actually felt MY SELF increase. As if her presence was added to the very thing my presence was a part of. To this day, even though I miss my Mother, I do not feel that she has gone anywhere. I still, truly, feel her in my heart. And I am pretty sure my heart is connected to the Presence, the Awareness, that Preciousness some call God.
I like the photos of your mom. My mother was 86 when she passed from her earthly body. She was in Arkansas and I was here in Mich. My middle sister was very ill with cancer, she was going to pass over very soon. My Mother had told her 2 other daughters,” I don’t want to outlive my child”. She did not! She passed away July 25th 2001, and my sister passed Sept 4th, 2001.My mother passed quickly, and I am not sure what they can do at the funeral home, but she was smiling and looked young. As if she had just gotten a huge pleasant surprise.
Perhaps that really is what death is: a huge pleasant surprise. Thanks for sharing this memory Mary! xo