Here are a few things I am noticing as I continue to walk EVERY DAY:
1) I am still doing it
2) I actually enjoy it
3) It is always hardest to get to the end of my street
4) It gets easier at about the two mile mark
5) It was worth going slow and short distances in the beginning
6) I can walk in any mood (happy, sad, cross, tired)
7) I can walk alone or with someone (I like both)
8) My name remains the same no matter how or if I walk
9) When I pass my original distance of the first days I know I would feel cheated now if I turned home at that point
10) It doesn’t matter what I wear AND I love my new sneakers
11) Doing something EVERY DAY changes your relationship with whatever it is you are doing
12) Doing something EVERY DAY increases my awareness of everything
13) Doing something EVERY DAY keeps it from being a big deal
14) Even EVERY DAY doesn’t seem like such a big deal any more
15) EVERY DAY is an attitude, not a calendar event
16) Repetition still gets the job done
17) I would include walking in my average perfect day
18) It is really cool that EVERY DAY has become my friend for no other reason than I hung out with EVERY DAY until it did
19) I don’t feel different or accomplished as much as I feel more real/true/myself
20) EVERY DAY is a quality of LOVE
I applaud you,and I relate to this so much! except I am not out there yet. I relate to so much here, like it does not matter what I wear, getting excited over new sneakers, ( esp if they feel good while you walk). I like this! Love Mary
Thanks Mary! xoxo
Lovely recognitions!
And I LOVE lists!
Our love of lists is what probably brought us the Ten Commandments;) xo