I am alone in the house for the first time in weeks. The air is cool, the room shaded nicely by matchstick blinds on the porch.
I am alone.
Relief. Peace. Quiet. Joy. Breath.
Time to notice I am here.
Pace is stop. Halt. Desist. Off.
Relaxation of letting go………………..
When there is always a next thing looming, however delightful, this moment already feels stolen. I lived these last weeks reasonably in the present moment. Truth is, the most momentous of graduation, commissioning, send off and arrival of quests were entirely ordinary–and that was the joy. The grocery lists, poop patrol, bathing, boiling the kettle for tea, breathing, listening, laughing, crying; all the daily things of life were still present. Maybe extraordinary is really extra helpings of ordinary.
I am thrilled to allow my words to tumble out onto the keyboard in any fashion just for the pleasure of the flow of letting go. The FLOW of awareness, the pulsating quietude bathes my mind with ease and release. Letting go all immediate musts, timings and wardrobe changes.
Let go into your bliss.
Let go into your nature.
Let go all the way home.
Let go a-go-go.
Let go is letting go of letting go.
Let GO peace.
Let GO tranquility.
Let GO your sparkle light.
Let GO bananas.
Let GO miracles.
Let GO passion.
Let go principle.
Let go again.
Let go NOW……………..
Wheeee, Wheeee, Wheeee, all the way Home!
Love and Blessings!
All the way HOME indeed!!! xo