Thank you for the delicious meditation this morning. Thank you especially for this thought:
What if I remembered ONLY myself?
In that moment, all my thoughts, plans, roles, identities neatly fell away as I simply was in peace, tranquility, quiet, gentle joy and wholeness. Thank you so much for this! I feel restored, refreshed and re-JOYed.
The absence of guilt reveals the Presence of Love:
whole, clean, empty yet fulfilled
precious, tender, comfort-able
willing to be yesterday, today and forever
certain of holiness and truth
open, welcoming and treasured
delighted, joyful and accepting
powerfully strong, and easily vast
fully present with all things
tender are his mercies
Being Love is my life
Amen & thank you.
“Sunday Meditation”
Sunshine dips in gold
the moment I open my eyes
to the holiness present
all around me
working black bee gathering life from wisteria
blue jay pausing briefly on sundial
humming bird down draft chirps sugary delight
traffic murmur reminds me God drives
cicada symphony swells to greet the day
I am here too
stretched and blanketed against early chill
heart beating in time to tea’s warm embrace
Bliss recognized as gratitude returns
I am this too
Lovely! Our society wants everything to be binary; we are either/or. If you are one you cannot be the other. There are categories where this applies. Thinking of self does not. We must take care of ourselves, know ourselves, have a plan for ourselves before we can help others. Charity begins at home. This means to me that I have to start with me before I can help anyone else. Taking time for self is not selfish unless it is done without the follow through of helping others.
Thanks! I always think of the airline staff instructions: Put on your own oxygen mask first and then help others. It has taken a long time to fully embrace the deep truth of this.
Amen and Thank You!