Me: Holy Spirit, what IS the purpose of guilt?
HS: Precious One,
The purpose of guilt is threefold:
to close your eyes to grace
to dampen your spirit
to forget the truth
Guilt uses all thinking to accomplish this; everything you have ever thought, done, not thought or not done. Guilt is the great God covering, making it appear you are separate from God. You don’t question it because you can see its’ effects in the world; even though there is great beauty so much is left undone, so much unfairness, so much pain and hurt.
Guilt is NOT TRUE. Guilt is NOT TRUTH. Guilt is the greatest CALL FOR LOVE.
Love always answers when guilt calls, for they work together for good. In the beginning guilt needed a demonstration of innocence that could not be denied. This demonstration is played out over and over again and again so that guilt will remember its true innocence. As guilt is played out and innocence returns, the truth of innocence is remembered. As the truth of innocence is remembered, all things are returned to their natural state, which is only love. Fear not the reign of guilt, it is wavering.
When you experience guilt in any form, small or great, simply stop and ask how Love can be expressed and extending in this moment where you are. Allow Love to lead the way back to the full memory of the innocence of all things: all forgetting, all pain, all hurt, all exclusions, all hatred, all death. The innocence lies in the call for innocence. This is what all pain is; a call for love and for all the qualities of love. When you expereince the pain of guilt ask which quality of innocence is most needed.
Be willing to meet your pain, discomfort and sinking with your own heart. Ask what is needed. Ask to be used by Love for the greatest benefit for all. Trust the leading of your heart. The feeling of guilt is not pointing out something you have done or not done it is showing you where love is needed. When you extend love you will see truth, then you will know what innocence will do.
Yes Yes YES!!! 🙂
I’m with you Jill!! xoxo