I am feeling low, like I want to stay in bed for a week. The last few weeks have been incredibly hectic with nearly every moment scheduled. Time to extend love.
I extend absolution to this thought.
Interestingly I feel guilty both for wanting to stay in bed AND for the week being so full. (why do I always do that?). I also feel guilty for the thought of canceling everything (or anything really). Finally I remember to ask.
Me: What is it I really need/want to do?
HS (gave me this list which will guide me over the next days):
bath, water, cleansing tea, nap, one day at a time, make a list, gratitude, nap, water, salad, water, nap, trust, experience wholeness which holds: whole week, whole thought, whole heart, rest, little talking, LISTENING (to heart, to body, to the day, to willingness), softening, slow, plenty of time, quiet, gentleness, relief from viewpoint, trust, gratitude
I love the idea of absolution. I truly feel absolved from having to feel guilt after this kind list from Holy Spirit. When I am in this space of an exhausted low, I extend love then make a gratitude list; works every time.
My gratitudes for today:
two sweet grads from UCD, one commissioned officer, magnificent parties and visitors, wonderful friends, I love my corgis, I love docenting at the Crocker, I have eternity for all the experiences I want to have, California weather is the best, my sweetheart husband wants to sit on the porch in the morning with me, hot tea is the best invention ever, our grass was mowed this week and looks lovely, daughter gets to go to UK for a semester, I love our business associates like crazy, summer is here, birds are singing, lemon in water is the bomb, someone else is making supper tonight, i love my earrings today, i adore my studio, i love this blog.
Enough. Absolution. Love. Breath. Gratitude.