Posts made in November, 2014

8. Day 10: Begin Practicing Clarity

Posted by on Nov 10, 2014 in All-One, Blogging As My Spiritual Practice, Fear of Not-Knowing | 4 comments

8. Day 10:  Begin Practicing Clarity

Yesterday was so full I did not have time to sit quietly with you.  What message do you have for me today?   Speaking of Not-Knowing………I have questions of creation I want to surrender to All-Love.  Can I share my blog further afield?  Is it valuable to others? Can I publish in new and bigger ways and still remain in peace and joy? HS:  Clarity is not at the expense of peace and joy.   One quality of love does not preclude another.   You are asking for clarity.   Begin practicing clarity.   Ask for clarity then follow the guidance or practice given.   Not-Knowing and clarity...

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8. Day 9: This Energy Of Falseness

Posted by on Nov 9, 2014 in All-One, Blogging As My Spiritual Practice, Fear of Not-Knowing | 0 comments

8. Day 9:  This Energy Of Falseness

It is funny that I am hoping to know Not-Knowing.  But maybe something else is happening.  There is a merging on the horizon and I am determined to both see wholeness here and experience it within my self.  Holy Spirit continues: HS:  Not-Knowing is friend and place.  Being and doing.  Knowing and not-knowing. Not-Knowing acts as an instant meditation, if you allow the release of you fears of Not-Knowing. It is time to understand fear.  You still think you are afraid OF something.  Fear is but one thing. Refusing to be here in this moment with Me, afraid of specific outcomes is the form this...

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8. Day 8: The Knowing Of Creation

Posted by on Nov 8, 2014 in All-One, Encouragement, Fear of Not-Knowing | 2 comments

8. Day 8:  The Knowing Of Creation

I continue to ask Holy Spirit for insight and willingness to be with Not-Knowing without agenda. HS:  Relax into Not-Knowing.  The knowing of creation will come at exactly the perfect time.  In every case there will be, is, and was everything you need at hand.  Nothing is left to chance.  Not-Knowing is not chance or random or a roll of the dice.  Not-Knowing is from which all is chosen, created, extended and delighted in. Fear not this vastness–it is not a place, a moment or a decision–it is the stuff of ALL-IS.  The more comfortable you are with Not-Knowing and ALL-IS the more...

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8. Day 7: A Deep Clear Inbreath of God

Posted by on Nov 7, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Not-Knowing | 0 comments

8. Day 7:  A Deep Clear Inbreath of God

I am trying not to see my earache as a metaphor of my unwillingness not to hear the truth re Not-Knowing, but it is almost impossible not to.  What is new for me is to “stay with” my earache in tenderness, welcome and care rather than “What the heck can I do to get rid of this??!!”  I will bet that my earache will last as long as it lasts regardless and I have before me the continual choice to delight in this or suffer in this.  Honestly (and when I say that I mean it deeply having spent a month  co-habitating with honesty without a license) I would really rather...

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8. Day 6: Where Peace & Calm Are Lounging

Posted by on Nov 6, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Not-Knowing | 0 comments

8. Day 6:  Where Peace & Calm Are Lounging

Yesterday was one of those days that you wonder how on earth you got there in the first place and how will you make it to the end of the day in a state of anything coming close to wholeness.  We are flying to London in a week for an extended time of work, sabbatical and wonder.  But first there is an important conference to attend in Los Angeles.  What fertile ground for the practice of not-knowing.  I faced yesterday in such a state of not-knowing (spilled over from the previous day of not-knowing) that I almost had to laugh as I looked at the day’s list which included changing dinner...

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