Posts made in September, 2014

6. Day 10: Let The Stillness Feed You

Posted by on Sep 10, 2014 in All-One, Fear AS Tiredness, Holy Spirit Says | 2 comments

6. Day 10:  Let The Stillness Feed You

Holy Spirit I feel kind of stuck in this extending love to tiredness because honestly, I want to NOT feel tired.  I want to feel whole, abundant well being and frankly tiredness is really missing the mark.  I suppose it is obvious but right at this moment, I am too tired to extend love to tiredness.  Whether it is me or not I just want to sit here and do nothing. For some reason I feel like I just got an inner high five.  Is this what I need to “do” more of, nothing?  Please speak to me about my practice this month and how I can see tiredness differently and be at peace with both...

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6. Day 9: A Deep Intimacy With Yearnings

Posted by on Sep 9, 2014 in All-One, Fear AS Tiredness | 0 comments

6. Day 9:  A Deep Intimacy With Yearnings

I noticed this morning on my daily walk (this result of extending love to the fear of EVERY DAY continues because it has become a part of me) that I was aware of both the ebb and flow of energy and my new friend “There is nothing wrong.”.  The significance of this is that I am judging my tiredness less and simply noticing it.  It really isn’t ever present but  when it is it is kind of loud and insistent.  It has gotten less so as I am extending noticing, listening and welcome to this energy (or seeming lack thereof).  Today this new thought cheered me: My energy always has...

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6. Day 8: Peering At My Thoughts In Wonder

Posted by on Sep 8, 2014 in All-One, Fear AS Tiredness | 0 comments

6. Day 8:  Peering At My Thoughts In Wonder

Since I am wanting to feel that peace and energy beyond my veil of tiredness I have been practicing feeling peace in my body, especially as it relates to needing food/rest/water etc.  This consists of me listening and being quiet with my body rather than simply ignoring my body and doing whatever I wish.  My daughter and I went to lunch the other day and I wanted a hamburger but what I felt into my body for peace (rather than just what I wanted) I felt my desire for a salad trio which is what I ordered.  I tried to continue to feel the peace within my body as I was eating but realized...

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6. Day 7: How Do I Clarify The Signal?

Posted by on Sep 7, 2014 in All-One, Fear AS Tiredness, Prayer & Intention | 2 comments

6. Day 7:  How Do I Clarify The Signal?

If I want to go beyond feeling tiredness I must feel something else.  What else is there?  Peace.  I would love to really feel peace within and through my body as well as in my heart.  If the body is a communication device as A Course In Miracles says then what is my body communicating?  It feels like it is communicating old thoughts:  tired, slow, low energy, slow metabolism, sluggishness.  Maybe I don’t have any idea what could help me feel the truth of myself as Love in my body; whole, light, energy, harmony, happiness and joy. Holy Spirit, help me with my practice of feeling the...

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6. Day 6: There Is Nothing Wrong

Posted by on Sep 6, 2014 in All-One, Fear AS Tiredness | 2 comments

6. Day 6:  There Is Nothing Wrong

Thank you for the ongoing miracle of “THERE IS NOTHING WRONG”.  I must have said it a hundred times in the last couple of days.  When this beautiful phrase announced itself in my consciousness  a few weeks back, we were having a party for our directors in the afternoon at 4pm.  We were also in the throws of preparing to drive to LA for business the next morning.  I had followed my inner guidance that morning to do nothing for the party until noon, thereby giving myself a blissful and much needed quiet time.  Somehow I had sent conflicting emails to everyone because each person...

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