Posts made in September 3rd, 2014

6. Day 3: My Tiredness Is A Knitted Scarf

Posted by on Sep 3, 2014 in All-One, Extending love to my thoughts, Fear AS Tiredness | 4 comments

6. Day 3:  My Tiredness Is A Knitted Scarf

I have been aware of my mantra of tiredness for weeks.  My daily blogging has allowed me to see just how constantly I affirm this.  I had a very full week last week and needed a 20 min nap between appointments.  Just as I laid down this phrase came to me, like a feather floating up in front of me:  “My tiredness is a knitted scarf.  It is beautiful, intricate and well made.  Yet it is 120 degrees.  What now?”  I fell into a deep albeit short sleep.  I woke feeling refreshed and couldn’t get the image of my tiredness as  knitted scarf out of my head. The next morning, in...

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