2. Day 29: Precious One

Posted by on May 29, 2014 in All-One, Encouragement, Fear of Depression | 0 comments

2. Day 29:  Precious One

The thing I love most about depression is this certainty of not being incredibly precious, valuable and vital to both the world’s collective happiness and to your own.  I get it, it feels like nothing is worth it, that you are not worth it but have you ever asked yourself:  Is this true?

Go on.  Ask.  I dare you.

Take a deep breath and relax.  Close your eyes and sink into the quiet.  What do you feel?  In this moment is there really anything you need?  We are finally getting to the bottom of the the list [of the “21 Fear Salute” of depression] and to the crux of the issue.

20. I don’t want to know who I am because I know I won’t like what I see.

Holy Spirit and I are totally on the same page on this one:

Precious One

Precious One

You are infinitely precious.

Your value is intrinsic.

Your worth is in your being you.

Let that be enough.  Let your you-ness be your gift to the world.  Whether you like fast cars or homemade pizza; whether you are the CEO of a multinational corporation or a yoga instructor on a military base.

We need you.  We want you.  This world (I’d like to say the infinite universe, but I don’t want to freak you out) needs all its parts–all people, all creatures, all nations, all faiths.

How could we not?  Sure, we could limp along without you knowing this but why would we?  I promise you if you give yourself the gift of noticing your own heart it will lead you where you most want to go but didn’t know where to start.

Go in the guidance of your heart precious One.

It is safe.


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