“I don’t know what I want.”—how many times have you said this? Perhaps while standing in line at Starbucks, or at the cheese counter in Whole Foods or at the crossroads of your life when opportunity presented itself? Is this true? Do you really not know what you want? Depression and its “21 Fear Salute” guards are quite certain you do NOT know what you want.
Let’s borrow from our dear friend Byron Katie and turn this right around and sit with it awhile.
I know what I want.
What I really, really want.
You need do nothing in this moment but allow a little space for this thought to exist.
Be willing to sit quietly and say out loud:
I know what I really want.
I know what I really want.
I know what I really want.
This practice actually increased the space around your thoughts. Into this spaciousness you now invite what you really want to make itself known. Be willing to extend welcome to what you want. Be willing to allow what you want to tell you what it needs from you. Be willing to listen and see throughout your day the little nudges and winks what you really want is giving you. Be willing to start where you are with what you want.
If the first thing that comes to you is the desire for a slice of cherry pie, then allow this thought. Sit there and receive the buttery taste of the crust brimming with tart cherry goodness; enjoy the euphoria of the first bite. No need to judge the value of this desire, no need to court and inner “NOOOO!! It’s not on my diet!”, just enjoy the thought of this desire for a perfect slice of cherry pie.
What else do you really want?
Ask this question each day for a week and see what you notice:
What do I really want?
When you hear the thought “I don’t know what I want.” remember to take a deep breath and turn it around.
Stop and remind yourself:
I do know what I really want.
Let your willingness to listen, notice and trust hold the space for the revealing of the desires of your heart.
I’m starting this today!