Let’s just get this one right out in the open for all to see. We are all afraid of being wrong. Because right is, well, RIGHT. Wrong is NOT being right. Wrong is confirmation of being wrong; missing the mark; not being good enough (or fast enough or clever enough). Wrong is the opposite of getting what you thought you wanted. Wrong is losing, forgetting, being late. Wrong is your Mother winning (or your spouse or annoying neighbor). Wrong is missing the boat, the plane or the point. Wrong is not knowing what to do. Wrong is throwing in the towel. Wrong is a terrible case of fouled up fact check and spell check. Wrong is running out of time or money. Wrong is BAD CHOICES that leave you blindsided and feeling stupid. Wrong is wearing the best looking shoes and getting a blister in the first five minutes of the trek through the airport to your 25 hour flight. Wrong is everything I ever said “I don’t like this” to. Fear of being wrong (see “21 Fear Salute“) is critical to maintaing the veil of depression that covers over your awareness of Love’s Presence.
Now hear this:
Nobody likes to be wrong. Wrong is just another opportunity to see differently, that’s all.
Oh that’s right! I can look again and see differently!
Being (or feeling) wrong about something is not a statement about YOU.
It is simply a call for love to look again.
Calling someone else wrong to safety guard your own feeling of right is the self same call for love to look again. The reason we all feel so annoyed at being wrong (and not right) is that we think it says that we are wrong/bad/lost. Who wants to feel that way?
When the feeling of being wrong (or the need to accuse someone else of being wrong, even quietly to
yourself) is aroused in you, pause, and ask (quickly):
How can I see this differently?
What is the bigger picture?
What would be the most helpful right now?
These open questions help put wrong (or needing someone else to be wrong) in perspective. Wrong is not the opposite to right, wrong and right are like sizes of seeing. Seeing is for all. Are you wearing the most comfortable size of seeing? If you are uncomfortable in feeling wrong or in your need to make someone else wrong, ask again: how can I see this differently?
Notice how many times I think this (that, he or she) is wrong.
Notice this feeling of wrongness and feel into it and ask:
“How can I see this differently?”
Notice how the size of your seeing shifts and expands.
I love this message!
Great clarity!
Thank you!
Thank you Jill, holy clarity feels better than anything, doesn’t it? xo