Here are some hard truths I am learning about what I think about feelings. (I notice I am still thinking about them rather than feeling them but I have to start somewhere.) I was a little surprised as I thought I would describe myself as emotional; I cry when certain ads come on, I respond with laughter or tears as is called for, I have been told (by my Mother when I was little) that I wear my feelings on my sleeve. So to look again and see I have a rather low opinion of feelings is a bit startling.
The thoughts in no particular order:
1. There is not enough time to feel feelings
2. Feelings throw a spanner in the works
3. Feelings are inefficient
4. Feelings lie
5. Does feeling really serve a greater purpose or is it like an appendix who’s purpose is no longer known?
6. Feelings rat me out to others and myself
7. I can get the information another way
8. Feelings lead to violence
9. Feelings aren’t my friends, they interrupt my thoughts
10. I am suspicious about feeling
Ok, weird aside: as I was writing this list I got a starburst of feeling in my right thigh, like a firework had been set off leaving me showered with tingles. I am either on the right track or am about to have a heart attack.
The a’ ha here is this is exactly what I never could put my finger on in what annoys me in the world of always striving for success; the fact that feelings are often ignored because “THE GOAL” is all important. Do these success seekers actually ignore their feelings or am I projecting? (perhaps my work in extending love to the fear of success might be an ongoing practice) Maybe I feel my feelings but just don’t realize it? Maybe feelings aren’t what I thought they were? Maybe feelings can be holy too?
I have zero clue as how to proceed. Holy Spirit, please tell me I am not going to have to go on feeling alone? Take my hand and lead me gently into a greater, deeper understanding and love of our Self.
Thank you.
Mmmm. This triggered in me the thought that one of the things that worries me in the daytime and keeps me awake at night is what may be feelings but actually manifests itself as a constant inner dialogue. I kind of talk to and debate with myself all day long but it’s not really a good or productive process.
Of course I have made my blog about my small self talking to, deepening into and learning to trust that very dialogue with my Higher Holy Self. The real trick is to make sure you are talking to your heart, not just hanging out in conversation with your thoughts. Love will show you the way. Thanks for sharing. xoxoxox
#1-10 – totally agree. I find it interesting we have the same thought process. who knew? My dad rammed #6 down my throat – don’t let anyone every get leverage on you.
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. We tend to say we’ve achieved something and say “yay, I’m done. Now what?” I think it’s a bad habit. Celebrating the wins, mourning the losses, that IS life.
As part of the Lenten season, we are having a grief and loss seminar. I’m conflicted about going because I feel like I’ve experienced loss and grief and know what it is and I certainly don’t want to let a bunch of strangers see how it affects me (see #6). And yet, maybe there is something I am supposed to hear. Maybe there is someone I’m supposed to help. If I don’t go am I selfish? If I do go am I going for the wrong reasons?
Not knowing the ‘industry standard of feelings’ and the tendency of society to judge have me always wondering the same things about the feeling enough/too little/too much game. Good Lord. Maybe the HS can give us some peace in this so we can feel without thinking so much about it.
Thank you SO MUCH for this holy message: “HS give us peace in this so we can feel without thinking so much about it” Amen and amen to that. I think that is exactly what is happening as I slowly, allow myself to feel & extend love to the feeling at the same time. Re the Gried & Loss Seminar, sit quietly and ask only this: “Do I WANT to go?” It is enough to desire to go, or not. Thanks for weighing in on feelings!! Love you, xoxoxo
Thank you SO MUCH for this holy message: “HS give us peace in this so we can feel without thinking so much about it” Amen and amen to that. I think that is exactly what is happening as I slowly, allow myself to feel & extend love to the feeling at the same time. Re the Grief & Loss Seminar, sit quietly and ask only this: “Do I WANT to go?” It is enough to desire to go, or not. Thanks for weighing in on feelings!! Love you, xoxoxo