One of the benefits of writing a daily blog is that I don’t need to put so much pressure on myself over the content/value/importance of each and every post. This is eerily mimicking daily life. If I notice my life as a whole, any single day is just a part of something whole and beautiful and powerful. When I look at the blog as a whole, it (and by association the writer, um, that’s me) is already a huge success. (Is this what I was really afraid of? Finding out I am already a success???). I showed up every day. Even the two or three days that I double posted or made one post for two days happened as I was truly noticing and honoring my actual life and experience. I am sure that at some time, I will distill at length what I am learning from sharing my experience of my day by day (minute by minute) extending love practice via a daily blog. Right now, what I can well and truly see (and hope my beloved readers can too) is the flow of love along with the obstacles of fear to my seeing that love that is always there.
Here are a few things I can see as I enter the eleventh month (in my Twelvemonth of Self Love):
1. I am always here. With or without my fear, awareness, delight or chagrin.
2. Holy Spirit is always here showing me the way to love. Being with me, caring for me, guiding me, giggling with me, delighting in me.
3. Love doesn’t judge. Ever. It knows, sees, comforts, allows, welcomes, strengthens, gives, listens, trusts, opens, IS
4. Writing daily is a great way to get to know yourself.
5. Blogging daily grounds you in honesty, awareness and gratitude since somebody else is actually reading what you write. No matter what, eventually you just have to be yourself.
6. Readers get exactly what they need, no matter what I say. I call this the Miracle Effect.
7. Committing to myself in this way is changing my life at a cellular level.
8. I am still not fearless. I don’t even want to be. I have learned that my fears are indeed my friends reminding me to love.
9. The gift I am giving myself in dedicating a twelvemonth to noticing, welcoming and loving myself is without price.
10. I don’t want to stop. I love extending love and sharing it with others, even if that “other” is my momentarily scared self.
As ever, I welcomed this post, but I am somewhat panicked by the idea that you might stop. The blog has become a part of my daily life and a comforter. A daily blog must be a huge and life-changing commitment but – we need you! Meanwhile, although one could say it is blindingly obvious, I realised yesterday that my current state of what I was calling stress, anxiety etc., is a rose – or a thorn? – by any other name which is Fear. Last night I went to bed terrified about a major piece of work I have to produce, defend and complete in a public arena. I prayed for help. Today I woke up and calmly made some progress. I was astonished. I fear (that word again!) that without the blog I would not have these insights and just drown.
Wow! I feel your words deep in my heart. My dearest friend, it has been (& hopefully will continue to be) my great privilege to serve our joined heart in this way. Thank you for praying for help and seeing it indeed did come. What I have loved learning about my fears is that, if allowed, they will always point me to God, Love, Peace and Joy. I guess I have just been learning to allow that to happen. Thank you for going on this journey with me. It is only just beginning! xoxoxoxo (love to the Elf & his Momma:)
I have loved hearing about your journey. You reminded me of some of my journey and have given me time to reflect. You remind me so much of your mom. I miss her. I can’t thank either of your parents enough for what they did for me as well as the friendship they extended to my folks and the support they gave them in their time of need. Geography may separate us, but you are not far from my thoughts. Rock on, my friend.
Dear Cross Country Sister of my Heart, Thank you so much for these words of love and abiding. Your family is one of my earliest, fondest memories. I take it as such a great compliment that I remind you of Mother. I so look forward to getting together when next we are in your neck of the woods. Will Rock On as instructed;) xoxox
I am so proud of you!! What you have given yourself this year is indeed priceless! I have so admired witnessing your evolution and I thank you for showing up for all of us in this way. <3
Dearest Candace, thank you so much for these comments. I actually dreamed of you last night. Were it not for your deep listening to the Holy Spirit that day in Hawaii (and all the days before and after too) it would not have been possible for me to face my fears in this way. Love and gratitude ad infinitum………!!!!!!xoxoxoxoxo