One of the things that dissuades me from fully inhabiting success is the feeling that I would have to leave something or someone behind and I never like to leave anyone (or anything if my garage is anything to go on) behind. Like the success principle I referred to yesterday about letting go of negative people in your life helps move you toward your own positivity and success. But perhaps there is something else going on.
Me: Holy Spirit, please speak to this worry of mine that someone or something will be left out or hurt if success is present.
HS: Be still my beating heart.
Fear not the many wondrous ways I draw my children to myself. You must continue to allow my voice to guide, nurture, love and express within you.
Know that all forms of separation can be used to create a beginning of awareness. In growing awareness is where you begin to discover both the truth of and desire for wholeness, joining and oneness.
Fear not the idea of leaving behind a brother. All is always working together for good. Always. You cannot really step outside my plan for your awakening; it is not even possible. All things, all ways, all creatures are moving into greater awareness of Love’s Presence; even in separation, even in pain, even in loss, even in negativity.
Sometimes being left alone with pain, loss, separation and negativity there is finally enough space and willingness to hear my voice calling; “Beloved, you are indeed my precious one, loved, guided and whole. Listen to me dear one to know this for your self.”
Dearest One, you have chosen a path of obvious, expressed, felt and shared Love; others choose a quieter path. All paths are blessed.
“All paths are blessed.” Thank you. I needed to hear that today. When things get rocky, I wonder what I am doing wrong, what I need to try to change. Sometimes the answer is “nothing”.
Possibly the most challenging realization of all is: “I need do nothing”. In the spaciousness that is created by allowing things to be just as they are, we are comforted, blessed ad ultimately guided if and when there is, indeed, a next step. Love you,xoxo