Sometimes the infinite nature of Love feels scary. I am thrilled of course that Love is infinite, all powerful and ever present; ready, willing and able to be, forgive and comfort. But sometimes I need and want just the very teeniest of Love’s expressions; a look, stillness, a breath.
The idea of BIG LOVE or even extending a quality of love can seem too much, overhwelming and not-enough all at the same time.
This must be the time for utter stillness…..presence……….being………
I am…………………………..is enough.
I am finding that coming home after such an epic trip I am needing great swathes of stillness and quiet. Thank goodness jet lag is waking me up at 3 or 4am each day. I am noticing that feelings of fear itself all but disappear in complete stillness. Perhaps fear is just motion? movement? expression? Stillness holds it all.
I will leave you with a deep breath, a bow of gratitude for you taking time to read this and a prayer for the blessing of peace and quietude for you today.