Recently three separate people from completely different backgrounds have shared some version of a story of a rift in their organization, family or political party. I sense both the feelings of powerlessness and of stubborn refusal to budge from a particular perspective. This feeling of divided-ness, rift or outright civil war is something we can all relate to in some way. Just fill in the blank with your own personal story of betrayal, unfairness or misunderstanding. What I noticed was a sneaky form of judgment that crept into my awareness. In all these cases recently shared I am not directly involved. I could sit on the sidelines with popcorn and a stats sheet and watch what happens but what I began to notice is that I very much had judgment that centered around two thoughts.
Thought one: “Why can’t everyone just play nicely together?” (Feel free to add “she moaned”)
Thought two: “I could fix this.” (Just think of a martyr with a tool box. Ugh and “Look OUT!”)
It was in this space I asked Holy Spirit for guidance and clarity.
HS: Dearest One,
There is nothing wrong, you can trust your brothers’ hearts for I am there too. I am always working to remind each and every one that they are most worthy, precious and infinite.
You need but follow your own heart. It is not your job to bring another or their fears into the light. You can simply Be the Light.
Be Light with the disquiet you feel.
Be Light with your concerns of “what if”.
Be Light with your desires to force resolution.
Be Light with the sneakiness that says “It is up to me to repair this rift.”
A rift will allow much light, power and creativity to pour through. Do not fear this.
Seeing eye to eye is not your purpose. Seeing I to I is indeed our purpose.
Let each one be as they are; there is nothing you need to do. This tide of desire to judge is just that, a desire to judge. There is nothing that needs to be done at this time.
Nothing at all.
“Seeing eye to eye is not your purpose.
Seeing I to I is indeed our purpose.
Let each one be as they are; there is nothing you need to do.
This tide of desire to judge is just that, a desire to judge.”
H.S.(via Eva Lisle) is sooo brilliant!
Especially when it is the perfect Rx for me! 😉
I guess it what we all needed to hear:) xoxo