I woke up to this thought yesterday which I naturally wrote down in my journal. This was in preparation for today when I really needed it:
“When you are experiencing fear of any kind the only decision to make is to extend love immediately; to your fear, your self, your circumstances and your feelings. Ask for help in doing this. Ask what quality of love to extend. Ask how to express this.
When you are in the awareness of love, ask to be guided, open and aware of Love’s love that is flowing through you. All is well because all is well.”
My husband and I had the most unexpectedly lovely day yesterday with my daughter, and her fiancé’s parents . This was the leaving day of the second of our two loves and I had left plenty of space to allow my feelings to breathe. This also turned out to be the day we got to visit a potential wedding venue. We all immediately fell in love with the location (I am sworn to secrecy of course until the big day), each other, the staff, January and winter weddings. Not at all what I expected after saying goodbye to M and D. I love how Holy Spirit can take anything offered and give you exactly what you didn’t know you needed.
So it was quite unexpected to wake this morning with a gaggle of worry thoughts forming questions in my mind like drunken geese who couldn’t remember what the “V” formation they needed to fly long distance looked like. I was trying to figure out where all our guests would sleep and what my menu for the days after the wedding. That would be the wedding in December of 2015. Uh huh. That’s 338 days from now. The cool thing was that rather than be afraid of my fears and believe any of these thoughts I realized I needed to get up, light a fire in the fireplace and extend love and gratitude like crazy until the air (and my thoughts) cleared and realigned with Love’s awareness. It was like taking Vitamin C at the first sign of a cold.
I asked Holy Spirit to help me notice this overactive planner/worrier part of me when she shows up and to help me extend much love to her.
I extend gentleness, tenderness and visibility to these thoughts.
Me: How can I see and let light in here?
HS: Precious One,
This is an easy step to add to all decisions, choices, steps-to-action. Simply ASK:
Is this in our highest good right now?
I will nudge you forward or restrain as needed. You cannot hurt another but you can cast a shadow over your own awareness of Love’s Presence in and around another.
Trust past, present and future are working together for your good–Our collective good–at all times.
When you get in the way by thinking I must “use you” to bless others you forget that blessing is flowing all of the time and you cannot prevent this, you can only fail to notice.
Great message for the “control freak” part of my mind.
Thank you!
I am grateful for the re-Minder(s).
Perhaps we could start by adding a little love name in front of “control freak” like “feisty pumpkin control freak” or “sweet industrious control freak” or even “beloved control junkie”. This part of me wants to come to the party but is just so scared to sit down until everything is done. Be still my little helpful self. xo