I am only now beginning to glimpse how valuable this daily blog is to me. I began with guidance, in this case the word “twelvemonth”. Then twelvemonth revealed itself as a “Twelvemonth of Self Love”. I already journal daily. I am also composing a Holy Dictionary with the incredible and beautiful definitions I hear from Holy Spirit. I write poetry because even my own wordiness gets in my way of expression and only the limits of a poem offers the relief of truth expressed. I also wrote a blog called Salvation Chronicles when I was first testing out my voice, sharing in this way broke the ice in sharing my heart more widely. So writing another blog wouldn’t seem to be that big a deal. Except after about day two, Holy Spirit informed me this would be a daily blog. I already write daily but keeping a daily blog is something else entirely. It is a constant, never ending string of days on a calendar needed another tiny chapter of internet presence.
Only a couple of days have needed to be presented as one. (Some posts appear on the same day because it took me a while to realize my computer was not always on the dame time zone as I was.) On preparing for my daughters 21st birthday there were simply not enough hours in the day. And earlier this week in asking for guidance re my blog post there was none. Rather than fill the space and day I allowed (and even welcomed) the blank page. Of course on the internet it means there just isn’t a link to a post that day. But I was here, listening to the Holy Spirit in my heart and was ok with going postless (kind of a writer’s way of going commando). I am privileged to have a clutch of dedicated readers who both read, listen, comment and generally cheer me on. I am filled with gratitude and wonder at this beautiful phenomenon. These days we have access to one another’s thoughts, doings, photos and musings at the click of a button. Still. It is a great honor and treasure to know that sometimes a brother or sister is sharing these thoughts with me.
I am realizing that blogging, as a step up from journalling privately, keeps me very present and aware of not only my self and my own heart but my brothers and sisters hearts as well. This is why blogging really is a part of my spiritual practice. That we all share this tender yet powerful presence and voice of Holy Spirit is the coup de grace.