What DO I really want? I want commitment to matter, to show, to have a purpose. I want it to lead to revelation or greater awareness to Love’s presence and a greater awareness of my own strength, holiness and delight.
If I’m honest, I feel commitment will also lead to a created form, a body of work or experience that is useful, precious and lovingly beneficial to all.
I need to extend love to not knowing if commitment serves a grander purpose or is going to be truly useful and beneficial:
I extend transparency to this thought.
HS: Precious One,
As with all things, Love’s motive and intention is fully transparent.
Love loves.
Love expands, creates, reaches, and becomes aware of itself anew in and through all things.
Commitment as you understand is simply allowing and welcoming this into your awareness. All qualities of love serve Love’s Purpose first: being, joy, delight, curiousity, truth, light, wholeness.
Love knows its wholeness anew through each and every apparent individual particle, atom and being.
This is enough.
Creation is a by-product of the awareness of Love.
Fear not the power inherent in transparency. The truth is true for all. There is no need to hide or side- step truth. When you allow transparency to enter commitment you allow yourself to be truthful to your Self. Allow yourself to see fully your own desires, fear not the specifics of creation.
Looking leads to seeing as
Listening leads to hearing as
Reaching leads to touching as
Sniffing leads to smelling as
Stillness leads to quiet as
Openness leads to awareness as
Awareness leads to Now as
Now leads to curiosity as
Curiosity leads to looking…….
Let your own process, your own experience of Love be enough.
I will take care of the rest. This is your own time and path; let it be sufficient for you unto this day.
I am with you.
Here we are in the moment.
It is blessedly enough.