8. Day 12: Going With God

Posted by on Nov 12, 2014 in All-One, Fear of Not-Knowing | 0 comments

8. Day 12:  Going With God

I love airports.  They are such a picture of an in-between world.  All who come are welcome.  Thousands of strangers rub shoulders and glances and kindness and annoyance on their way to somewhere else.  I love it because when I have finally made it to the airport I know I am on my way.  This is not to be confused with having arrived.  An interesting distinction.  I am, indeed, on my way to feeling less fearful of Not-Knowing but I have not arrived.  Right now, as the hours and minutes tick down to our boarding the plane I am experiencing tumultuous feelings and thoughts: gratitude, excitement, trepidation (Do we for SURE have our passports and the key to the flat??), wonder, peace, calm, tension, “Should I have gotten bangs?”, “Why is the free luggage allowance so much lower than it used to be?”, delight,  “I love eggnog latte’s!”, “Will we be able to slow down?”,  “Is it OK to be away so long?”,  “We could have stayed away longer”, more gratitude…………more excitement.  Whew!  I almost welcome, no, actually welcome a dip into the vastness of Not-Knowing.

I wrote a few days ago about a deep inbreath of God and that is what I need right now.  Want to join me?   Ok, let’s close our eyes and let everything flow out of our awareness save our breathe.  Noise is fading, jitters are calming, a feeling of expansion is permeating my cells.  What do I need to know right now from Not-Knowing in order to form a more perfect union with All-That-Is?

self portrait

Who I think I am always travels with who I AM.

HS:  Dearest One, know this above all else.  I have your back. There is nothing in this world that is not fully and intentional set for your greatest goodness no matter what it may first look like.  In any moment you are not feeling complete and utter peace and joy you know only that you are allowing something to stand in your way of allowing, enjoying and participating in the fully presence of God-IS-Love.  Fear not the detritus of travel, allow and welcome the unexpected.  This, too, is gift and treasure for your own relaxation into your holiness. This is our Holy Communion wafer, this moment, in this place, with these feelings.  Take and eat there of and be glad in our union which is always.

Dear one you can only go in safety for your heart IS your safety.  You can only go in peace for your heart IS my heart. You can only go in joy for this IS your purpose.  You can only go with God for you carry God in your heart of hearts, no matter where you are, what you do (or don’t do).  Precious one.  Let us begin our journey, together-as-ONE.


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